People of The Living God


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March 2023







Alfred King

        As we draw nearer to the time to which Jesus said He would return, we find the enemy marshaling his forces against God’s order and design for mankind in an unprecedented way. It seems that in the last few years there are more and more evil and irrational ideologies springing up, all of which are in opposition to that which is holy, righteous, and God-ordained. As time moves ever closer to the days immediately preceding His return, Jesus cautioned His followers to be diligent in watching and prayer and to be committed to God and His word, as evil and deception would increase tremendously. It is imperative that those who are true followers of Christ recognize the enemy forces which are approaching from every side.

        The more I see the direction the world is heading, the more I realize that, ultimately, all this evil and nonsense will find its way to the door of the church. Of course, it is the church with whom Satan is at war; he already has the world. God’s chosen people are his target. Therefore, it is incumbent that we who call ourselves “Christians” be aware of the enemy’s tactics as he is preparing for the battle of the ages.

        When Jesus came, He came to overpower Satan and save men from Satan’s dominion. Satan, “the god of this world” (IICor.4:4), obtained this authority when Adam who, like Esau who sold his birthright for a bowl of pottage, sold his birthright for forbidden fruit. Adam forfeited his God-given authority to Satan in the Garden some six thousand years ago. When Jesus came, He stripped Satan of his power and authority, binding him and casting him into a pit (Rev.20:1-3). That which Jesus accomplished through His life, death, and resurrection was and is the greatest event in history, and it is sad that most Christians understand so little of it and the blessings which His sacrifice procured. What Jesus achieved was not only for Himself in the battle between Heaven and hell but it goes much deeper than that. He is said to be the firstborn among many brethren (Rom.8:29). He triumphed over every enemy and rules today as King of kings and Lord of lords, and as such, He has provided the means by which His “brethren” (that is you and I) can overcome as He did (Rev.12:1-11). In other words, God’s people have been given the means by which they can rise above sin, self, the world, and the devil. How few Christians actually understand this high calling, and how even fewer believe it.

        Consider carefully Rev.3:21-22: “To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.” These verses state that some will overcome and they will be given authority and power over all enemies just as Jesus possessed. The word “throne” is not to be taken in a physical sense, for this statement to the Laodicean Church is symbolic and refers to a place of authority and power. Jesus was King while He walked in Galilee, although He never sat on a throne in Jerusalem nor in any other place on this globe. He needed no earthly throne because His throne (power and authority) was in heaven.

        As Jesus overcame every temptation and every dart sent from Satan, He has given to His church the power to overcome, also. The greatest victory ever won in the spiritual realm was when Jesus triumphed over the powers of hell and brought deliverance to any and all who would put their trust in Him. He stripped Satan of his power over death (Heb.2:14). While this is most wonderful for mankind, there is yet another battle to be won. This battle will be between Satan and God’s people, the church. It seems Satan is presently and quickly gathering his armies together anticipating Christ’s return. Consider the many enemies which are gathering at this very time and see how the church will soon be the target.

One Enemy Is The World

        In John16:33, Jesus encouraged His disciples with these words: “In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” He revealed to them and to us that the world is an enemy to genuine Christianity, but that He has made the way through which His followers could overcome just as He did.

        The Apostle John wrote in IJohn2:16, “For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.” The world has always been an enemy to God’s people. And there are many reasons why this is so. However, in our day, the lure of the world has become so much greater: 1) through its luxuries, which we all must have, although they have caused many Christians to become lazy, comfortable, and lax. 2) through its entertainment, robbing most Christians of time that needs to be spent in prayer and study of scripture. Not only does it take one’s time but, all the while it is robbing of precious time, it is promoting violence, sexual promiscuity, vile language, and ungodliness of all sorts, all of which is in contrast to scripture, thereby, luring men into careless promiscuity. 3) through its politics by establishing laws that promote immorality that are directly opposed to God’s word; such as abortion, same-sex marriage, critical race theory, promoting gender dysphoria and mutilation of children. 4) through our educational institutions which seek to destroy any possibility of there being a Creator or One who has given us divine laws by which we are to live and by attacking Biblical morality and promoting licentiousness. And these things are just the proverbial “tip of the iceberg.” There is an evil and insidious force behind all these things which have become the 21st century norm and which are leading multitudes through the wide gate and down the broad way that leads to destruction (Matt.7:13).

Another Enemy Is Science (So Called)

        Another deceitful tactic of the sly ole serpent is modern science. By this, I mean that men in our enlightened age, a time when knowledge has increased and men have become more informed of our world and how things work and function, no longer feel their need of God nor religion. Religion is now considered antiquated and something for those of the past who were ignorant and unlearned. Knowledge supersedes religion. Truthfully, science supports creation and its Designer, yet science is more often taught in such a manner as to diminish religion and deny the existence of the Creator.

        While there are many questions that neither Creation nor Evolution can prove, the evidence is substantially more supportive of creation, and the real possibility of creation far outweighs the possibilities of evolution. The theory of evolution lacks even the basics as proof of how the world came into existence. While no one was here in the beginning, yet one must admit, if honest, that if there is an omnipotent God, then He could have created the universe as we see it and understand it today. If there is a God, the worldwide flood in Noah’s day could have occurred just as revealed in scripture. Studying various layers of strata revealed in our canyons very easily could be the result of a worldwide flood. The problem with men of science is that they exclude God from their studies and come up with false conclusions. So if there is a God, everything could have come about just as the Bible states. If there is not a God, then evolution still has no foundation upon which it can rest. The material from which the universe is made up had to come from somewhere. How did it get here? So, the evolutionist must have a creator, too.

        If one were to take all the matter which makes up the solar system as we understand it today, grind it to powder, that would be a tremendous pile of powder. Then if one were to blow all that dust into space, giving evolution an opportunity to use said dust to bring about another solar system similar to the one that now exists, it could never do so. But the problem that evolutionists face is that the solar system we know today had to evolve from nothing, not even powder. Only God could do that. Yet science rejects common sense.

The Enemy: Intellectualism

        Not only is evolutionary science used to turn away many from scripture; intellectualism is another danger to Christianity. Paul stated that “knowledge puffeth up” (ICor.8:1). This is certainly vivid today. Egotistical men think they can solve all the problems which exist in the world. Men place their confidence in government, thinking that government is the solution for the difficulties mankind faces. A quote from former President Ronald Reagan comes to mind and is apropos, “Government is not the solution to our problem, government is the problem.” Government is the answer, but only if it’s God’s government. Men in their prideful intellectualism have nullified scripture and shoved God out of the picture. The very solution to man’s problems is thrust away while men, endeavoring to solve problems, merely add to those already existing.

        There are government agencies who are attempting to solve the plague of poverty and hunger throughout the world. Millions have been spent in this endeavor through the years and, yet, poverty and hunger continue to grow. Too much of this money finds its way into the pockets of those promoting the movement.

        Governments have joined together with the intention to stop world wars. Yet, wars continue to exist all around the globe, and tensions continue to rise in spite of the United Nations’ men of great intellect who think they have the answers.

        One of the most egotistical ideas of men of “intelligence,” political power, and wealth, coupled with stupidity, is the idea that they have the wisdom and means through which they can control the weather, commonly referred to as “climate change”. God created this universe, and He is the one who controls the weather. God promised Israel that, if they would obey His commands and serve Him only, forsaking all the gods of the heathen, He would send the rain when their crops needed it and would hold it back when it was enough. He, also, sent rain upon Israel’s enemies on certain occasions when it was beneficial to His people. God clearly shows in His word that He controls the weather, and men can never usurp that power from Him.

False Religion Is An Enemy

        There are other enemies that seems to be gaining ground in modern society, and those are false religions. Some of these religions are so far out that they serve only to make mockery of all religions. When someone does some outlandish thing, such as committing murder and then saying that God told them to, it reflects especially on Christianity. These are the tactics Satan will use to cast doubt upon God’s word and bring reproach upon God’s people. False religions that are sprinkled throughout the globe have led millions into hell. The god of this world has blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the glorious gospel of Christ should shine unto them (IICor.4:4). Some of these false religions are gradually finding their way into American society and are being protected by our government. They will become more and more an adversary to Christianity and to God’s people.

        Some of the practices and ideologies of false religions are seeping into Christianity. Yoga is one of these which has been around for decades and is encouraged by many Christian pastors and leaders. One does not have to look far to find that there are many other false teachings being encouraged which are not scriptural. If one listens to Christian news, you will hear prominent members of the church and of society making such statements that: we all are serving the same God, and we all will go to him someday. We are taught that God is love and He will not send anyone to hell. They dismiss sin because Jesus knows we are sinners and He loves us just as we are. These and many other similar statements are made from our pulpits every Sunday, and people eat it up like candy.

        While there are many things creeping into the church that are anathema to true Christianity, ministers are, nevertheless, allowing them and sometimes promoting them. I think of the recent acceptance of homosexuals being ordained for ministry in the United Methodist Church. A blatant abomination. Another unscriptural and truly racist ideology accepted almost two years ago by the Southern Baptist Convention was CRT (critical race theory), voted by the SBC leaders to be used as a tool in teaching in their classes. In IICor.6:17 the Apostle Paul wrote, “Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you.”

        In John seventeen, Jesus prayed that His people would be sanctified through His word, which He states is Truth. God is calling for a holy people, a sanctified people. That is a people who are set apart for God alone and who have, or at least are endeavoring, to come out of the world and all the world’s religions and ideologies and be separate. Jesus stated in His prayer that His disciples are not of this world just as He was not of this world. This is the call to every true believer for this hour. Let us “come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues” (Rev.18:4). This is certainly the time when God’s people need to heed these words and begin to extricate themselves from Babylon and “go forth therefore unto Him (Jesus) without the camp bearing His reproach” (Heb.13:13).






Randall Walton

        The Bible consistently records a vast array of SINS which are anathema to the Living God, but are forgivable - provided the sinner meets the requirements of expiation: confession, repentance, and reparation where appropriate.

        But there is a sin which is so grievous to God that He demands a total renunciation of the past and present life so that a new life will emerge. The sin to which we refer is called “lukewarmness” (Rev.3:14-19). The Lord said that this was such a sickening condition that He would “spue thee out,” or vomit!

        “I would that thou wert cold or hot,” He stated. “So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.”

        Lukewarm; neither cold nor hot. This was addressed to the “church of the Laodiceans,” the body of believers which is considered by most Bible scholars to be the “last days church.”

        It is readily seen that the present religious (Christian) scene fits the description of being neither cold nor hot. The in-between condition has produced a certain smugness and self-satisfaction in the ranks of Christendom which is appalling. God and His word are no longer revered as High and Holy. He is said to exist, but in a detached, disinterested and an aloof manner. While God is not entirely denied, neither is He recognized as Almighty, Supreme, Majestic, Ruler, Lord, and King.

        Lukewarmness has much in common with a state of neutrality, neither for nor against. But Jesus said this: “He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad” (Matt.12:30). There is obviously no viable space between Jesus Christ and complete anarchy.

        It appears that many, or most, professing Christians are Sunday-only Christians. The other six days of the week are devoted to their own personal desires and pursuits. Let it be known that church attendance one day a week cannot be construed to be a genuine walk with God. While an assembly of true followers of Jesus Christ has its place in service to God, that by no means constitutes a personal relationship with Him. And a personal relationship with God on a seven day-a-week basis is what counts with Him.

Know God

        Jesus stated that “this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent” (John17:3).

        To know God is to fellowship with Him. It is to live with Him. It is to live for Him. It is to abide in His presence and to engage Him in conversation and communication. Knowing Him means putting Him first in one’s life, in thought, in attitude, in adherence to His words. Knowing Him means He is the most important person in your life; that your existence in this life revolves about Him and His eternal purpose and will. He is above and beyond any/all earthly relationships, possessions, ambitions, plans and wishes.

        And the more you know Him, the more you want to know Him; the greater is your desire to please Him and follow His every command.

        The lukewarm person seeks for the least possible demand or requirement for calling oneself a Christian. He is not concerned about really knowing God in any personal relationship. To be religious is sufficient for him. He chooses not to be considered an infidel nor an agnostic, but neither does he want to be an “extremist” about religion.

        But note, if you will, that Jesus placed knowing God and eternal life on the same plane. Irrespective of one’s religiosity, if he does not know God, he is not, and cannot, be eligible for eternal life! God will not dole out immortality to everyone who claims to be Christian. The state of being “hot” is to know God.

Total Commitment

        “If any man will come after me (be a Christian), let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it. For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?” (Matt.16:24-26)

        In these few verses, Jesus struck a real blow to passivity (the mark of neutrality). He stated emphatically that to be a follower of Him required full commitment - no halfway measures were tolerated.

        “Deny himself.” Jesus demanded self-renunciation; that is, he (the person) must subject himself totally to the rule and lordship of Jesus. He no longer can claim to be his own master, for he yields himself as a love slave to the perfect Master. He places his will, his plans, his desires, his LIFE in the Hands of Jesus to be His bond servant forever. To deny is to reject, turn one’s back upon (himself).

        “Take up his cross” - not the cross of Jesus, but the person’s own personal cross. The cross is a symbol of death; in this case it has to do with death to one’s own ways and desires, or as Paul said, “if ye through the Spirit do mortify (put to death) the deeds of the body, ye shall live” (Rom.8:13).

        What he is saying is that in order to live one must DIE. His own works and deeds which are carnal must cease so that the life and works of the Son may shine through. The cross and death are synonymous terms. Only when one’s cross is daily applied to one’s life can he be said to be “hot” rather than lukewarm.

        Paul stated the same thing in other words: “that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God” (Rom.12:1). “Ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s” (ICor.6:19,20).

        No wonder there is so much lukewarmness among professing Christians. They want no part of the life of the cross!

        “Follow me.” To follow is to recognize the leadership of another and to conform oneself to that leadership. The Leader in this case is Jesus, the King and Master.

        To follow Him is to obey Him in all He says to do. He set up the standards by which His followers are to conduct themselves. Yet, seemingly few are very concerned about following Him (obeying and keeping His words).

        It is a fact that many large denominations have concocted specious means of circumventing the words and sayings of the Master. Whole volumes have been written to explain that Jesus’ preaching was only in connection with the Kingdom of God, which is purported to be a future reality; then, and only then, will His commands become applicable! What garbage and trash is this anti-Christ teaching! It has produced millions of lukewarm “Christians” who are about to be vomited out. Jesus commanded believers to “follow” Him. This is what He said; this is what He meant!

        “Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ” (ICor.11:1). Paul, in this passage, affirmed the necessity of following Jesus. He stated that he, himself, was a follower of the Lord Jesus, and he admonished us to do the same. This makes the difference between a doer and a hearer of the word. The doer follows the Lord by his obedience to His commands. The hearer pays no attention to what the Lord said. He is satisfied with his status as a lukewarm believer who will be disenfranchised by the living God.

        “Lose his life for my sake.” It is no exaggeration to state that there is little difference today between the average “Christian” and the people of the world.

        They enjoy the same entertainment, dress in like manner, attend many of the same social gatherings, etc., etc. What did Jesus mean when He said “whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it”? (He also said, “whosoever will save his life shall lose it.”)

        Ministers are telling their flocks today that all they need to do is “believe on the Lord Jesus Christ” and they will be saved. This postulation does not agree with the words of Jesus at all (Even the demons believe, James2:19). It is plain that Jesus was talking about a deliberate act of the will - “lose his life for my sake.” This goes far beyond the normal state of nominal Christianity. It embodies total surrender of body, soul, and spirit to Jesus Christ the Lord.

        The Lord does not “save” people so they can become better business operators, or more successful entrepreneurs, or greater athletes, or more aspiring musicians or entertainers. He lifts a person up out of the filth and corruption of the world so he will become a faithful servant to the living God. He does not rescue a person from the pit so he will become a sanctified hypocrite, or a tepid pew-warmer. No, He reaches down to mankind that he will be lifted up out of the systems of man and the world to walk with God in a state of total abandon of all things carnal and thus “lose his life” for the sake and benefit of Jesus Christ, thus becoming “on fire for God.” Only a life so lived will, ultimately, please Him.

Genuine Worship

        True worship of God is probably the highest expression of the soul of man which is possible. It is an expression which is produced by a heart in love - in love with God: a heart full of gratitude, thanksgiving, praise, adoration, exultation, exaltation - worship!

        Modern worship services seem to swing from one extreme to another. On the one hand, there is the ritualistic, formal service, planned and laid out weeks or months in advance. While it may be a model of professionalism, it is spiritually dead. It is a dry form in which the Almighty is but a name, and not a person to be loved and admired.

        But the other extreme is equally devoid of real worship. It involves activities and sounds meant to be seen and heard by others. The Scriptures exhort God’s people to shout and praise God with a loud voice and song of triumph and victory. So much of today’s “worship” music is a hyped-up mixture of rock-and-roll and religious words and phrases.

        Shouting “hallelujah” is meaningless if the heart doesn’t mean it. Repeating “Praise the Lord” over and over is vain repetition if it is not done in sincerity and honesty. Red-hot emotionalism is on display in meetings all over the country, but this doesn’t indicate an on-fire love for God and His word. Far from it. Those who really love God are careful to please Him in all that they do, whether in their daily lives or when they attend a praise and worship service. A person may holler hallelujah until he’s hoarse, but if his heart isn’t right with God, he is as lukewarm as the one who only goes to church because “it’s the thing to do.”

        Jesus stated that true worshippers must worship God “in the Spirit and in truth.” This means that worship must be done according to God’s plan and in holy reverence and honor to the Lord of Glory.

        “Let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord” (Col.3:15,16).

        This is the formula which is acceptable to the Lord. He will receive and bless the earnest, sincere, and serious offering of gratitude, thanksgiving and praise whether it is loud or soft, rapid or slow. What truly matters is the condition of your heart. Are you lukewarm in your devotion to Him? If so, He said He will “spue you out of my mouth.”

        As we draw nearer the close of this time of probation and testing, God’s standards and requirements will be lifted up and raised high for the simple reason that, when Jesus returns, the church will be beautiful, glorious, without spot, wrinkle, blemish, or any such thing. All others will be vomited up (Eph.5:25-27)! Where do you stand in this hour?






Curtis Dickinson

        Charismatic leader Lee Grady had this to say in Charisma of June 1997: “Praise and worship means shouting praises to God, banging on drums and cymbals, jamming on electric guitars, dancing, waving, laughing, weeping, raising hands in the air, bowing and even lying prostrate on the floor. I’m ready to break out of the religious restrictions that keep Sunday morning worship stiff and predictable. I’m ready to do something wild, something that releases me and those around me to revel in His love with absolute abandon.”

        What he describes sounds more like that which Elijah witnessed when he challenged the Baal worshippers. It certainly doesn’t resemble anything we read of in the New Testament, nor in the history of the first century Christians. Many churches are employing some of these activities in order to create the feeling of excitement and attract those who are looking for “something wild” which they might identify as a sign of God’s presence.

        Another writer has said, “Rather than relying on the arguments of theology, more people are accepting the strongest evidence possible for the existence of God - an inner feeling of a divine presence.”

        Are inner feelings actually the strongest evidence possible for God’s existence? Pagans who worship non-existent gods have the same kind of inner feelings! Paul wrote that those who deny God are without excuse, not because of the way they feel, but because they reject the evidence of creation (Rom.1:20-21). Further evidence is in the person of Jesus and His resurrection, and in the authenticity of the Bible as proven by fulfillment of prophecy.

        A great amount of modern religion which goes under the name of Christianity is based on such “inner feelings” with no objective truth to support it. F.B. Meyer wrote: “Many of God’s professing children confound the Christian life with an hysterical sensationalism and a large amount of emotional and noisy manifestation. Many people only “feel” God is present if there is some special physical manifestation in the crowd - speaking in tongues, impressive or exciting music, with emotion running high. There is no doubt that the “feel good” advocates know how to produce a large congregation. The question is whether or not it produces the genuine faith in and obedience to our Lord and King.

        Ours is a disillusioned culture in which the philosophy of existentialism has produced the “Me Generation,” its motto reflected in a Jane Fonda ad for an exercise machine, in which she said, “I gotta feel good about myself.” Everything from swimming pools to blue jeans are marketed on the promise of that good feeling. It is not surprising that the secularized church should do the same.

        Shouldn’t everyone feel good about themselves and be joyfully aware of God’s presence? Yes, this would be ideal. But these emotions say nothing of God’s purpose nor of our being in harmony with Him. One may feel good and be overflowing with joy, and still be traveling the opposite direction from God. God cannot be discovered by induced feelings. In fact, creating for a person a simulated joy may keep that person from seeking the true joy that can be found only through contrite sorrow and repentance.

        It is true, indeed, that God’s presence gives one a wonderful feeling of peace and joy. Fellowship with other Christians, and joining in worship with them, also promotes a rich feeling of joy and love. But such feelings of themselves are no evidence that one’s sins are forgiven and that he is right with God.

        Forgiveness takes place in the mind of God, and how we feel does not indicate how He feels. We can be assured of forgiveness only because He promised it and we have the promise on record. Jesus said, “He that believes and is baptized shall be saved.” I believe and have been baptized and, thus, come under the promise. Faith in this promise is the basis of a feeling of freedom, peace and joy, but even when the feeling is absent, the assurance of His presence is still there, because of His promise.

        What, then, of the popular trend to build self-esteem and have everyone “feel good” about themselves? This idea is a carry-over of the Freudian theory that one is not responsible for his or her failures and problems. Blame parents or society, but whatever you do, you must get rid of guilt and feel good about yourself. Such a feeling may be stimulated through the use of music and manipulation by church leaders. But one does not need these helps to experience God’s presence and to enjoy the peace and comfort God gives. What he really needs is to fully believe the truth God reveals.

        Before a genuine sense of peace and joy can be experienced, one must come to terms with the reality of sin, and this means a deep sense of guilt. The first step to feeling good is repentance, repentance that is produced by believing the truth as God has revealed it.

        Jesus said that the Holy Spirit would “convict people of sin, righteousness and judgment,” not create an emotional frenzy to make one feel safe in God’s presence while still in sin. When one realizes that he is totally unfit for God and deserving of nothing but judgment and death, there is no use in trying to make him feel good by exciting music, entertaining activities, or emotion-stirring drama. The solution is provided by God in the Gospel, and once it is believed and fully received, there is a total change in one’s feelings. Where once there was the bitterness of guilt, there is now the freedom of forgiveness; where there was the burden of sin there is now joy in being clean; where there was the dread of judgment, there is now the glad hope of immortality; and where there was the painful alienation from God, now there is sweet fellowship with Him and His people.

        Feelings are not to be the criteria in interpreting Bible teaching on different questions. A college professor once told me that the subject of final death of the sinner was such an “emotionally laden subject” that it was not possible for him to bring it forth in open discussion. On the subject of baptism, a friend said to me he believed immersion was what the Bible taught, but that, since his mother was a good Christian and had not been immersed, he felt it would not be right for him to do it. Revelation of truth is put aside in favor of personal feelings.

        Jesus had a lot to say about truth. He said, “If you remain in my word, you are truly my disciples and you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free” (John8:31,32). When Jesus spoke of faith, it was not subjective faith generated by emotion, but faith in objective truth which He revealed and which is revealed in scripture.

        In Crudens Concordance, one can find 144 Scriptural references involving the TRUTH. This truth is not a philosophical concept at which one arrives through his feelings. It is a given fact - reality. Such truth includes everything God has done or said, and everything He promises. It doesn’t depend at all on our feelings; the truth remains, no matter how we feel about it. This is especially beneficial at times when we do not feel well, or when we have suffered a great disappointment or heartache. Even if we do not “feel” God’s presence, we know that He is there, because He promised, and His word is true.

        Feelings may be generated that give one the sense of freedom, of forgiveness and closeness to God. But feelings tend to be deceitful. Millions of people are emotionally stirred each Sunday morning and made to feel that they are in a spiritual fellowship with God, only to find on Monday that the feeling is gone and they have no power to live the faith of a new creature in Christ. Their faith has not been rooted and grounded in truth, but in their own emotions. It is only the truth of Christ that can set us free from sin and deception and bring us into true and rewarding fellowship with Jehovah, our God.

        Truth is found in the Bible, and it is in learning this truth that faith and trust are developed, so that one may truly live by faith.

        Instead of seeking esoteric experiences in order to gain a spiritual feeling, one should seek the truth, that he may bear the fruit of humility and obedience.

        The apostle John emphasized the place of truth in the Christian’s life. He wrote, “Greater joy have I none than this, to hear of my children walking in the truth” (IIIJohn4).






Alfred King

        Just prior to Jesus’ departure into heaven where He sits at the right hand of the Father, He told His disciples to tarry in Jerusalem until they were empowered by the Holy Spirit. It was only a few days afterward that the Holy Spirit was poured out upon those early disciples as they waited in prayer for the fulfillment of the promise. That outpouring changed those men and women forever; they were no longer the doubting disciples, those men of “little faith”, disputing among themselves who was greatest and who would sit on Jesus’ right hand or left. There was a radical transformation that inspired them to launch out into the impossible for the remainder of their lives.

        When Jesus had accomplished all things that were prophesied by the prophets concerning Him, it was a new world, a totally transformed means by which men could come to God. No longer was the pattern set forth in the tabernacle, the temple, the priesthood, nor animal sacrifice the means by which men could draw near to God or find forgiveness for their transgressions. A new path had been established, a radical change was now to be taught, not only to Israel and the Jews, but to the whole world. A way now was opened through which even the heathen could find salvation and eternal life through the shed blood of Jesus Christ. No longer was Israel, with her Levitical priesthood, her Mosaic laws and customs, and her glorious temple, the means or order in which God manifested Himself. Now, the promised Messiah had come, was rejected by those He came to save, and ultimately hung on a Roman cross, thereby paying the price for men’s trespasses.

        By the divine decree of God, sending His Son to bear the sins of the world, He introduced the real and eternal purpose of God, of which the Levitical priesthood and Mosaic law only foreshadowed. Now that the real had come, that which foreshadowed the real was taken away being found weak and insufficient in producing what God intended and desired. Those laws and ordinances given by Moses were temporal and were established until the time came when sheep and goats would no longer be offered for man’s sin, but in their place The Lamb of God, the only begotten of the Father, would give His life as the sacrificial Lamb who, alone, was sufficient to take away the sins of the world. Those believers under the Old Covenant looked forward with hope and faith for the promised sacrifice which, truly, their lamb sacrifices only pictured.

        It is most unfortunate that many today still hang onto many of the practices, ordinances, and laws of Moses. One would think that after reading through the New Testament that it would be clear that those laws were done away in Christ. The Apostle Paul, as were the other Apostles, was constantly confronted by the Jews regarding the old laws, especially the law of circumcision. It is difficult to read through His epistles and miss the fact that the law of circumcision ceased at the time of the cross. Under the New Covenant, circumcision is that of the heart and not in the flesh. “But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God” (Rom2:29). Yet, still today, there are many Christians who are determined to hang onto laws and orders that merely portrayed, in a physical and natural way, spiritual truths which would be fulfilled with the coming of the Messiah.

        Being among those who observe and honor the seventh day Sabbath, we are frequently confronted about why we don’t observe the laws concerning clean and unclean meats, the feast days (although we do observe the Feast of Passover, we do not keep the other feasts) and other laws of Moses. We have convictions which we feel are founded upon scripture, but they cannot be addressed in this article because that is not the reason for this writing.

        The purpose, here, is to bring our attention to the issues of circumcision and clean and unclean meats. I feel, if one can grasp the gravity of these two issues, it will help to clarify other points of concern regarding the laws of Moses.


        Let’s first examine circumcision. The very first place we read about circumcision is Genesis17:11. God established a covenant with Abraham and with his descendants, a covenant in which circumcision of every male child born was to be circumcised in their flesh. It was this circumcision in their flesh which would set them apart from the heathen nations around them. So important was this for Israel and the Jews that if one was not circumcised he was to be cast out of Israel and if any from another nation desired to convert to Israel’s God they had to be circumcised.

        Seeing how essential and important circumcision was for the Jews, it is easy to understand why there was such contention over the issue of circumcision as the gospel began spreading. When the Apostles set out to proclaim the gospel to the heathen round about Jerusalem, the Jews naturally thought new converts needed to be circumcised. Circumcision being absent from the gospel was difficult even for Peter, and it took a revelation from God, as recorded in Acts 10, for Peter to begin to grasp that circumcision was no longer necessary. Jesus came to circumcise men’s hearts. Jesus came to magnify the law and bring men’s attention to rending one’s heart rather than the cutting of one’s flesh. This is very clearly seen in the Sermon on the Mount where Jesus magnified the law. In Matthew 5, as He taught regarding the New Covenant, one’s righteousness must exceed that of the scribes and Pharisees (verse 20). He continued by enlarging upon the law of murder by stating that hatred is murder in the heart, that lust in one’s heart is as dangerous as the actual act. He said, “Ye have heard that it hath been said by them of old time” (under the Old Covenant) such and such, but I say unto you, things are changing and the law no longer is as it has been. Now God has made the means by which men’s hearts can be truly and totally changed. Jesus is calling men, saving them, and working in their hearts in order to conform them to the likeness of His Son. He is calling men to holiness and sanctification, and righteousness, and He will have a glorious church when He returns. This church will not be hung up on circumcision or what kinds of physical food one eats, but they will be those who trust God implicitly in everything they do. Their purpose will be as was Jesus’ when He stated, “My meat is to do the will of Him who sent me, and to finish His work” (John4:34).

        Circumcision of one’s heart under the New Covenant is when one is saved, or washed in the precious blood of Jesus. Before one is cleansed through the blood, he is a sinner with a sinful nature. It is his nature to sin; it is automatic. Even one’s “good deeds” when unsaved are usually with selfish motives. Those intentions may be to make themselves feel good, to get accolades for their charity, to ease a conscience, or to feed one’s pride. Whatever the reason, it stems from the self-nature. The self-nature is spiritually dead, or cut off from God, Who is the source of spiritual life. It is when one recognizes his lost state and calls out to God that God touches his heart and he is converted. He is changed from the old life to a new life in Christ. His dead soul is brought to life, and it is through this new and spiritual life that he becomes a new person, a new creation. This is New Covenant circumcision. It is no longer that which is merely a sign in one’s flesh, but it is a revolutionary transformation which takes place in one’s heart. That person will never be the same as he was before, for once he was dead but now he is alive. Just as Jesus came forth from the tomb, so one saved is brought forth from the dead and given eternal life in Christ Jesus.

        The battle over circumcision between the Jews and the Apostles became so intense that the leaders of the Christian Church of that day met in Jerusalem to discuss the importance of circumcision under the New Covenant. This meeting is recorded for us in Acts 15. As stated earlier in this article, Peter had come to realize that God made no distinction between the Jews and the Gentiles under the New Covenant. In Acts 11, Peter was questioned by those of the circumcision, asking why he had baptized Cornelius who was a Roman and uncircumcised. Peter replied, “Forasmuch then as God gave them the like gift as he did unto us, who believed on the Lord Jesus Christ; what was I, that I could withstand God?” It is clear that circumcision was no longer a prerequisite or an evidence under the New Covenant. Hebrews chapter eight speaks considerably about the two Covenants, and it ends in verse 13 this way: “In that he saith, A new covenant, he hath made the first old. Now that which decayeth and waxeth old is ready to vanish away.” The laws and ordinances under the Old Covenant have “vanished away”

        In Paul’s letter to the church in Galatia, he endeavored to present the truth concerning circumcision because, everywhere Paul preached, he faced those who clung to the demands of circumcision. Consider just a few verses from Paul regarding circumcision. “For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision availeth anything, nor uncircumcision, but a new creature” (Gal.6:15). “For in Jesus Christ neither circumcision availeth anything, nor uncircumcision; but faith which worketh by love” (Gal.5:6). Another clear exposure of the needless requirement of bodily circumcision is found in ICor.7:19: “Circumcision is nothing, and uncircumcision is nothing, but the keeping of the commandments of God.”

Unclean Meat

        What has been written above should be enough to see that clean and unclean meats fall into the same category as the laws and ordinances which have been done away. But, let me make a few points and add a few scriptures to substantiate this premise.

        Let’s begin with Romans 14. A good bit of this chapter deals with the topic of food, but Paul focuses primarily on loving one another and respecting those who have differing opinions or convictions. The first three verses of Romans 14 read: “Him that is weak in the faith receive ye, but not to doubtful disputations. For one believeth that he may eat all things: another, who is weak, eateth herbs. Let not him that eateth despise him that eateth not; and let not him which eateth not judge him that eateth: for God hath received him.”

        In Paul’s instruction to Timothy, he spoke of the latter days and gave warning concerning certain dangers. One was the issue of those who forbid eating meats, which Paul stresses that God created to be eaten. ITim.4: 3-5 reads: “Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth. For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving: For it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer.”

        In the event mentioned earlier found in Acts 10, Peter had a vision in which a sheet was dropped down from heaven with all kinds of unclean animals. Peter was instructed to rise and eat. Peter refused because he had never eaten anything unclean, abiding strictly by Mosaic law. Why was God giving Peter this vision? One reason was that Peter needed to realize that the gospel that Jesus brought was not only for the Jews but for the Gentiles as well. The second reason was to cause Peter to see that a New and better Covenant had come to replace the Old. It was (and is) a better covenant, established upon better promises (Heb.8:6).

        For God to use unclean animals in this vision, also, was a confirmation that the eating of what was formerly called “unclean meat” no longer applied with the revolutionary heart-transforming of the New Covenant. Jesus told His disciples that it is not what goes in that defiles a man but what comes out. He enlarged upon this point by saying that that which goes in the mouth passes through the body, but that which comes out of the mouth comes from one’s heart and, out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh (Mark7:15; Luke6:45).

        Therefore, we conclude that, whether one is circumcised in their flesh or not, and whether one eats what is termed “unclean meat” or refrains from eating, it makes no difference under the New Covenant. What does make a difference and is important is that we have the circumcision of the heart and that we feast on the manna which comes down from above. Jesus said He is that Manna; “… Moses gave you not that bread from heaven; but my Father giveth you the true bread from heaven. For the bread of God is He which cometh down from heaven, and giveth life unto the world.” (John6:32b-33) Lord, ever give us of that bread!






        Dear Brother,

        What do you think Matthew 11:12 is talking about? I would like to understand it better.

        Matthew 11:12: “And from the days of John the Baptist until now the KINGDOM OF HEAVEN SUFFERETH VIOLENCE, and THE VIOLENT TAKE IT BY FORCE.” Hebrews 4:12: “For the Word of God is quick, and powerful...”

        I have heard it taught quite a few times in various messages to be a good thing for a believer to do; that believers need to be forceful in taking the kingdom. Below is one explanation of the verse from the internet:

        "Taking the Kingdom by force refers to those who make a concerted effort to enter the kingdom in spite of violent opposition. This opposition comes in many forms, including our carnal mind, which is enmity against God and the lust of our own human flesh."

        There was an article in your publication by Lorraine Scullin where she wrote that this verse was referring to "Many present-day miracle workers and healers have grasped heavenly treasures and supernatural power illegally, only to be destroyed later by the very powers they had seized." This sounds more reasonable to me, but I don't understand exactly what she is saying.

        I would appreciate your explanation.

        L. S.

        Sister L.S,

        I appreciate your email and understand the confusion relative to the verse in question and the article by Lorraine Scullin. This verse in Matthew 11 and its parallel have caused consternation among many believers, as there are different interpretations of Jesus’ statement. It might help to look at Luke’s account where the same thought is expressed. It reads: “The law and the prophets were until John: since that time the kingdom of God is preached, and every man presseth into it” (Luke16:16). It is of note that the Greek word used in Matthew’s account is the same word used in Luke’s. The translators, in Matthew translated the Greek word “biastai” – “violent” or “violence” and in Luke “presseth”. These two places are the only times this word is used in the New Testament. The definition, according to every Lexicon I have, is: “to use force, to apply force, violent.” The expression, “take it by force” is from the word “harpazoo” which means “to seize, carry off by force, to claim for oneself eagerly” (Thayer’s Lexicon).

        These definitions don’t help us too much, but comparing Luke’s account with Matthew's does reveal that possibly the force is not evil or unlawful. It seems to me that the real point Jesus is making is that those who will enter into the kingdom of God and possess it (live in all of the provisions, blessings, and power) are those who will press in, or engage in the serious warfare with the world, the flesh and the devil. These are forces which keep most believers from truly experiencing the kingdom that Jesus came preaching and declaring was at hand.

        Take note of the cost for discipleship in Jesus’ remarks in Mark8:34-35. “And when he had called the people unto him with his disciples also, he said unto them, Whosoever will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel's, the same shall save it.” Also, contemplate the price Paul paid in order to be a faithful disciple and apostle of Christ in Phil.3:8: “Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ.” This is why Jesus tells us that to be a real disciple of Christ is more than just easy believism as is so commonly taught today.

        The presupposition that Lorraine Scullin presented in her article is definitely from a different perspective but not necessarily incorrect, for it does bear out truths which we as Christians need to be aware of. Jesus said that many would say to Him on judgment day that they had prophesied in His name, cast out devils in His name and done many wonderful works in His name (Matt.7:22). Jesus’ reply to them was “I never knew you: depart from me ye that work iniquity.” The word iniquity here is lawlessness. They paid no attention to God’s laws or commandments. They were disobedient.

        Jesus warned that in the last days there would be false prophets and false Christs who would deceive multitudes. One of the means by which they will be deceptive is through signs and wonders. The question is: How do men gain this power to perform such miracles? There are at least two ways. One is through evil spirits. Evil spirits work through sorcery, necromancy, mysticism, occultism, witchcraft, etc. These are obviously evil, and no believer should ever be involved with them.

        The other way men can gain power in the supernatural world is through faith. I can only tell you what appears to be how this happens, and I know that many Christians and ministers will totally disagree. However, I think this is what Lorraine Scullin had in mind when she wrote the article. (Sister Scullin passed away a few years ago, so I am unable to consult with her.) Peter cautions us who are believers to be diligent in our walk with God, for it is possible for one who was once saved, being delivered from the pollutions of the world and yet, later, to be entangled in them again. Peter states that they are like a dog who turns again to his own vomit (IIPeter2:22). It would be wise to read the whole chapter of IIPeter2 as well as the book of Jude.

        There are those who have been saved and baptized in the Holy Spirit, spoken in tongues and have had many supernatural experiences so that they learn how to operate in the spirit realm. If these who have entered into the deeper things of God and then begin to neglect God’s laws and commandments, they will in time fall away. Though they fall away, they have learned how to move in the spirit and operate in the spiritual world. I think Balaam is a good example of this. Balaam had power with God. God spoke to Balaam and yet, he was an enemy of God and God’s people.

        I believe that one can learn the laws of the spiritual world and take hold of some power, using it for their own gain. It seems to me to be the case in many of the healing ministries that have been around over the past couple of centuries. Not all of those who claimed healing power and experienced healings walked with God. The same is true today.

        There is one other factor that comes into play here, and that is the faith of the one being healed. Jesus often said, “according to your faith.” One’s faith in God’s power can be strengthened through one’s faith in a man of God, or in a man thought to be a man of God. In these cases, healing can come through the power of the Holy Spirit, and it can also come through evil spirits, if the man performing the miracle has given himself over to powers of evil. This is one of the means Satan uses to deceive men. Of course, this gets back to the power of evil spirits to operate, and it begs answers to the question: “can evil spirits heal?”

        It has been recorded of people being healed through witchcraft and other evil spirit activities. Of course, the question is: “are they really healed?” or “are they merely deceived?" Whatever happens in these cases may be questionable, but I am convinced that if there is any kind of relief received, there will be a price to pay later on. Satan never does any good without there always being a catch. One can be sure that a door has been opened to evil spirit oppression or worse if healing comes through evil spirits.

        Maybe I have gone too far with your question, but the closer we get to the end, we will see more and more evil spirit activity and we need to have discernment, know well what scripture teaches relative to these things, and we must remain close to God and learn to listen to His still small voice. “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge” (Hosea4:6), and we certainly don’t want to be among that group.

        I pray God will grant us all a better understanding of these things and prepare us for them when they come.

        The Editor