People of The Living God


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April 2018






Lorraine Scullin

        There have always been two kinds of religion, THE GENUINE and its MANY IMITATIONS.  Because of the intrinsic worth of the genuine it has always been copied – WITH ALTERATIONS.  Simulated godliness, like artificial gems, satisfies many in every age.  The people of Noah’s day were no exception to this very old pattern of human behavior.  It is certain that they must have accepted the religious fables of the hour in preference to Noah’s rugged message of coming judgment, for only seven people believed his testimony.  Without doubt they put credence in popular religious philosophies which, like today, offered an escape from reality and gave a semblance of security in rituals and creeds that disturbed in no way their life of violence and lawlessness.

        Noah would have been judged a failure as a preacher, if measured by the criteria of twentieth-first-century revivalism – huge crowds, sentimental songs and emotional orgies.  He used none of these “tricks,” and had he known them, he would have recognized them as the stage props of a religious charlatan, not as PROOFS OF DIVINE APPROVAL.

        Noah had no church, no ecclesiastical system sponsoring his message, and no salary.  In complete contradiction to the fanfare and publicity of modern religious methods, this quiet man of God declared THE WORDS OF THE LORD without fearing man’s face or favoring special groups and “interests.”

        Noah was God’s man, HIS WITNESS in a world that had forgotten God.  Noah KNEW THE VOICE OF THE LORD, and cherishing this communication with his God, he OBEYED THE COMMANDS he received.  Thus, his message was direct, searching, stern.  It cut like a sword through all religious pretense into the heart of his listeners so that they were compelled to accept or reject the words of the Lord.

        This one man was God’s LIGHT in the dark world of the antediluvians.  He and his family were “like a city set on a hill” that could not be hid (Matt. 5:13-16).  The light of their combined witness was the one bright beacon in the spiritual night that enveloped the earth at that hour.  The light of testimony has never gone out throughout the ages of human activity.  God has always had a FAITHFUL WITNESS.  Down through the murky corridors of time there have been holy men and women of God who have shone as BURNING LIGHTS, whose WORKS have testified that God was with them and HIS WORDS IN THEM.  Their witness pierced the darkness and revealed the path to glory if men cared to tread it.  Many of these witnesses, being dead, yet SPEAK (Heb. 11:4).

        When the judgment became imminent, there was only a remnant who still believed Noah’s message.  And that group comprised ONE FAMILY.  This remnant, however, had received such a schooling in obedience that they were ready TO DO WHATSOEVER the Lord commanded WHENEVER He spoke.  They became accustomed to the trying of their faith through ACTS OF OBEDIENCE.  Therefore, when the Lord instructed them to enter the ark BEFORE any sign of judgment appeared, they went in without question.  After God shut the door of the ark, the tests were not over for this remnant family.

        They were then to be subjected to the severest test of all.  SEVEN DAYS IN A SHIP ON DRY LAND – A GAZING STOCK to earth, heaven, and hell (Heb. 10:33).  Had God really spoken?  Did God actually command such a refuge to be built?

        There were seven days of cloudless skies and “business as usual” in a world gone mad with pleasure, violence, and bloodshed.  “They did EAT, they drank, they married wives and were given in marriage until…the flood came” (Luke 17:27).  How the scorn and opprobrium of their neighbors were heaped upon this man of God and his family as they sat behind the closed door of the ark, in mute testimony that God SPEAKS and His words FAIL NOT.  This was a field day for the doubters, the cynics, and the hypocrites who had smarted under Noah’s words, for “no prophet is accepted in his own country” (Luke 4:24).  The eight occupants of the ark heard the coarse jests, the mocking laughter, and the words of blasphemy.  They were well aware when their former acquaintances, all now on the side of popular opinion, gathered around the great ark which was ready to ride through the storm of universal judgment under the hand of Providence.  It is quite probable that these scoffers now openly dubbed it “Noah’s Nightmare” and called him an antiquated fool for making such a display of himself and his family in this monstrosity called an ark.

        This was not the first time that Noah had been a SPECTACLE to men and angels (I Cor. 4:9).  It had taken many years to build the ark, and when its construction was underway, Noah truly became a marked man.  His wife and children became social outcasts, “the offscouring” of the earth, for no one cared to associate with such peculiar people or have part in such a strange work as building a ship far from water.  Because of the stigma attached to this undertaking and the reproach occasioned by his testimony, Noah walked ALONE.  For the same reasons, his family lived apart from the social life of their time, MISUNDERSTOOD and OSTRACIZED.

        Although the ark bearing Noah and his family was an object of ridicule to men, heaven had quite another name for this great triumph of faith and obedience.  The angels could now confess that these scenes now in progress in earth were a complete VINDICATION of the MERCY AND JUSTICE OF ALMIGHTY GOD.  The seraphim, the cherubim, and the four and twenty elders must have worshipped the Most High as they saw His infinite wisdom justified in the choice of these human instruments who were FAITHFUL WITNESSES in an hour when there was little faith or faithfulness in the earth.

        On the seventh day only a few stragglers were left about the ark.  The ominous appearance of the sky brought the first premonitions of disaster.  Rain began to fall; the fountains of the great deep were opened.  Water covered the lowlands and crept toward the highlands.  Jests died on the lips of strong men.  Bravado passed away from every human being.

        In that hour of doom, all sham was stripped from every heart; utterly naked was every human spirit.  Gone were the refuge of lies and the vain subterfuges of the crooked heart of man, behind which each had hidden from truth.  Each individual SAW HIS TRUE CONDITION as the waters of judgment rose about them.  Every man KNEW HE WAS NOT PREPARED.  Noah’s words came back with stark finality.  Possibly this man who had not returned their insults would pity them in their desperate plight.  In a body, in family groups, in couples, and alone, they rushed to the door of the ark, a surging mass of frenzied humanity caught in the grip of frightening reality.  They knocked, they shouted, they entreated.  There was NO RESPONSE, nothing but the sound of the mounting flood waters pushing ever higher.  The day of testimony and preparation had passed from them forever.  THE DOOR WAS SHUT.

        “And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man” (Luke 17:26).  At that time ANOTHER DOOR shall be closed forever (Matt. 25:10; Luke 13:25).  “Seek the Lord while He MAY BE FOUND, call ye upon Him WHILE HE IS NEAR…that ye may be ACCOUNTED WORTHY to escape all these things that shall come to pass and to stand before the Son of man” (Isa. 55:6; Luke 21:36).






Alfred King

        The recent passing of the well-known evangelist, Billy Graham, has sparked responses from both friends and foes, especially within the Christian church.  As surprising as it might sound, Billy Graham did have some foes.  Why would a Christian be opposed to the beloved Evangelist?  It is largely due to his very simple message of salvation.  Many felt he gave a false message in that he did not strongly advocate repentance.  It is true that Billy Graham encouraged his listeners to come and accept Jesus Christ as their Savior, and every Christian who studies scripture very seriously realizes the importance and necessity of repentance.  Without genuine repentance, a person cannot be saved.  The Holy Spirit draws the individual and puts in his heart a desire to go to Christ Jesus.

        It appears to me that there are at least two ways in which the Holy Spirit draws a person to Christ.  One is by a very strong conviction of his sins and the consequences thereof.  He may realize that he is heading to eternal destruction and, that revelation instills fear which causes him to cry out to God for mercy.  Jonathan Edwards, a man through whom God moved during the “Great Awakening,” used a fire and brimstone message to bring conviction upon the masses.  His most popular and possibly his greatest sermon is entitled “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God.”  Some who heard him give this sermon stated that they could feel the flames of hell’s fire as Edward’s words fell upon their ears, while fear gripped their souls.  Many were saved through Edward’s sermons.

        The second way in which the Gospel can be proclaimed is to preach the love of God.  Love is the most powerful force in the earth, even greater than fear.  Billy Graham’s sermons were certainly not like those of Edward’s and were given from a totally different perspective, more from the position of God’s love.  It can be debated which brings about the best results, but if a soul is brought to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, it has brought about positive results.  I was saved through messages which related more of fire and brimstone, while my brother was saved when he heard the glorious news that God could, would, and did (does) love him.  It was the love of God that drew him to the Lover of his soul.  It was years after my conversion that I began to taste of the love of God as I sense it today.  Which way is best?  It probably depends upon the person.  Apparently, the Lord uses both means to draw souls to Himself.  Isn’t it great that God is not limited to our opinions and preconceived ideas?

        Billy Graham was a man of very strong moral character and so unlike many of the present day TV preachers.  He never used the ministry’s donations to live extravagantly and for his own personal gain.  He was a man who remained faithful to the wife of his youth.  While there has been criticism of this man for his message, very few have found fault with his integrity and the standards to which he held and by which he lived.  Some have found fault with him for his association with the Pope, which I also have a problem with to some degree.  But, lest we judge prematurely or harshly, let us remember an account in scripture. 

        The account is found in II Kings 3.  After the death of King Ahab, Moab rebelled against Israel.  Jehoram, the son of Ahab and king of Israel, sent to Jehoshaphat, king of Judah, to go with him to battle against the king of Moab.  Note Jehoshaphat’s commitment to Jehoram: II Kings 3:7…and he said, “I will go up: I am as thou art, my people as thy people, and my horses as thy horses.”  Jehoshaphat linked himself with this king, who was evil and against God in every way.  Does this sound strange to our ears?  Yes, it does.  But let’s continue with the account.  Jehoshaphat, being a godly man, asked that they might inquire of a prophet concerning the battle.  Elisha was called and when he came before the two kings he said, “As the Lord of hosts liveth, before whom I stand, surely, were it not that I regard the presence of Jehoshaphat the king of Judah, I would not look toward thee, nor see thee” (II Kings 3:14).  Elisha did not condemn Jehoshaphat for binding himself with Jehoram.  He never referred to it at all.  Why?  God didn’t tell him to.  How did God look at this situation?  God favored Israel and spoke through Elisha instructing them how to gain victory in this battle through very unconventional means.  God gave the victory to Israel.  Am I saying that Billy Graham sinned in going to the pope or joining with him in some particular events?  I cannot say, for I am not his judge.  It’s not something I would think I would do; nevertheless, God knows what was in the man’s heart and He is the Righteous Judge who will render to every man according to their deeds.

        Coming back to Billy Graham’s message: Billy Graham said himself that if ten percent of those who went forward and professed salvation were truly saved, he would be happy with those results.  I might say that if only one percent were genuinely saved, at least there are some added to the kingdom of God and have gained eternal life.  Is it possible that God used Billy Graham?  Is it possible that some were saved?  We must be careful when we judge another.

        Billy Graham said that God called him to be an evangelist.  He was not a pastor, a teacher, an apostle, or a prophet, but an evangelist.  If God called him to this office, did he fulfil the obligations of that office?  Or, did he dilute the message?  By sending the converts to “the church of their choice,” was he sending them into Satan’s camp?  If they were truly saved, would not the Holy Spirit, that great leader and teacher, lead them out of the “church of their choice” and lead into the church of His choice?  Or do we limit the Holy Spirit and question His ability to guide those washed in the blood of Jesus Christ?  Where was Billy Graham to send those who were saved?  To your church or mine?  To the First Baptist Church, The First Presbyterian Church, The Adventist Church, The Church of God, The Assemblies of God, The First Church of Prophesy, etc?  He was not the one responsible for their spiritual growth, the churches were and are; those called to be pastors, teachers, prophets and apostles (Eph. 4:11).  The responsibility lies on those who stand behind the pulpits of those churches to which the saved chose to attend.  It seems that Billy Graham fulfilled the call God gave him.  No doubt he made mistakes.  Certainly, he was not perfect.  Some things he preached and promoted might have been improved upon, but then who among us does not need improvement?  Who could not use a little more anointing, a little more understanding, a little more holiness in our personal lives?  I hate the way the scripture, “Judge not, that ye be not judged,” is so often used by those who wish to continue in sin, but I feel it is very appropriate here and let us allow Jesus to do the judging and let us concentrate on walking a little more righteously in this evil world.






A Bible Study

Larry Ax

        In John 14:26, Jesus clearly tells us that the Holy Ghost is the Comforter.  The Father will send him to teach us and help us remember whatsoever Jesus taught.

        In John 14:16, 15:26, and 16:13, the Holy Ghost is also referred to as the “Spirit of Truth.”  I John 5:6 tells us the Holy Ghost is the “Spirit of Truth.”

        The Strong’s Concordance 3875 states that the Holy Spirit is the Intercessor, Counselor, Advocate, and Comforter.  The “Word” tells all of us to acknowledge the Holy Ghost as the Comforter!

        So important is the Holy Spirit to a Christian’s spiritual life, that Jesus said in John 16:7, “It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you.”  His words reveal the importance of the Holy Spirit and the importance of his work in our lives.  There is today a demonic attack against the church to replace the Holy Ghost with something else besides Him.  The Comforter is being replaced by amusement, entertainment, drugs, alcohol, food, sports, sexual perversion, electronic devices of every description.  “Humanistic Imaginations” instead of turning to the real Comforter.  The Church is turning to these things, and this is an abomination to God!  We cannot hear the voice of the Holy Spirit with all these other things crowding him out.

        In Genesis 6:5 it states the Lord saw that wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination and intention of all human thinking was evil continually.  Read Romans 1:21.  It tells us some became vain in their imaginations and their foolish hearts were darkened.

        In Ecclesiastes it says, “there is no new thing under the sun.”  History repeats itself!  I Cor. 10 tells us to read about this subject.  It is very dangerous.  These are written for our “examples” (I Cor. 10:6) and “ensamples” (I Cor. 10:11).  Let us learn from these examples.  Remember, John 14:26 tells us the Holy Spirit is our teacher.

        Compare the scriptures in I Cor. 10 with the children of Israel and of our Church of today.

Lust                                           I Cor. 10:6         Numbers 11:12
Eating and drinking and playing    I Cor. 10:7         Exodus 32:6
Idolatry                                     I Cor. 10:7         Exodus 32:8
Fornication and Sexual sin           I Cor. 10:8         Numbers 25:1-9
Complaints and Murmuring           I Cor. 10:12       Numbers 11:1;14:2
                                                        &10:14                      & 14:29

        I Cor. 10:14 states, “We must flee from Idolatry!!!”  I Thess. 5:22 says to abstain from all appearance of evil.  We, as the church, are called to be a light, examples, role models, servants, ministers, encouragers to the world!  The church must walk in Righteousness, Peace and Joy in the Holy Ghost (Romans 14:17).  The world must see the Comforter in action in our lives!  With God all things are possible (Matt. 19:26).

        There is extreme danger if we neglect the warnings about the Holy Ghost!

        We must not grieve the Holy Ghost                Eph. 4:30

        Do not quench the Holy Ghost               I Thess. 5:19

        Do not resist the Holy Ghost                  Acts 7:51

        Do not vex the Holy Ghost                    Isa. 63:10

        Do not do despite to the Holy Ghost               Heb. 10:29

        These all culminate into Blasphemy! (Matt. 12:31)

        We, as the church, are the temple of the Holy Ghost (I Cor. 3:1617; I Cor. 6:19-20; John 14:17).

        Let us strive to humble ourselves, pray, seek God and turn (repent) from our wicked ways.  God will forgive our sins and will heal our land (II Chron. 7:14).

        The Holy Spirit will help us IF we be willing (Isa. 1:19).

        Read the letters to the churches in Revelation!  Let “US” return to our FIRST LOVE AND BE HOT!







Jimmy Windham

        First, I greet you all in Jesus’ Holy name.  What a wonderful Savior!  God was in Christ reconciling the world unto Himself, for it pleased the Father that in Him all the fullness of the Godhead shall dwell and it’s not God’s will that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.  Jesus truly is coming soon, for if we look around us at all the danger, world events, weather catastrophes, all these things are in the word of God, the Holy Bible, and point to the end of the age of darkness in which we live.  Satan knows he only has a short time left, so he is trying to destroy as many of God’s creations as possible.  But, if we repent of our sins, for we’ve all sinned and come short of God’s glory, we can escape the wrath of God that is definitely upon the nations.

        My name is Jimmy Windham.  I have been incarcerated in South Carolina since Oct. 18th of 1984 – almost 34 years.  I know a lot of you reading The Testimony of Truth magazine are also in prisons, and I want to speak to your hearts today, for I know your pain and the many struggles you go through, and it’s my hope today that I can be led by God’s Spirit to give you hope, for as Paul the apostle said, “If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable” (I Cor 15:19)

        I can’t speak for prisoners in other states, but prison in S.C. is a dark, dangerous, unhealthy, and uncomfortable place to live.  Just this past week two more inmates almost bled out as they lay on the sidewalk outside their dorms while they waited to be medivaced out by a helicopter after they were stabbed by homemade shanks.  I’ve only been in this prison in Bishopville, SC, since April of 2017, and I’ve given up on trying to keep an account of the gang fights and inmates who were severely injured or the ones who have died.  But, as bad as it seems to be, (and it’s progressively getting worse each year) again I say that we have hope, for God’s light can shine in the darkness that we, as prisoners have to live in.  Our hope transcends far beyond these prison walls, for if you have turned everything over to Christ your citizenship isn’t a prison or a state but is in heaven where we have a High Priest sitting at His Father’s own right hand, who makes intercession for us.  Our High Priest isn’t a high priest who can’t be touched by our infirmities, for He Himself suffered terribly at the hands of ungodly men, and He went to court and had an unfair, biased trial as some of us also did.  Our High Priest “feels” our pain, for He was a human being.  He knows how you feel, and if you’re His child He suffers with you.  He’s in prison with you, in the wee hours of the night as you lie on your bunk praying about the harshness you’re enduring.  Maybe your heart is breaking because you just lost a loved one and you couldn’t go to their funeral or go to the hospital before they died.  It hurts so deeply.  I know how you feel, for I’ve gone through it.  Yet, I can tell you that our Savior also knows how you feel and was right there beside you as you prayed and wept.  When my brother Hal died, I was so hurt that I grieved for days on end, until in prayer one night as I cried, God spoke to me in a still small voice that was so sweet and reassuring when He said, “You’ll see you brother again.”  Those few words by our loving Savior took away all my pain, for then I was able to give it to Him.

        He wants us to give all our concerns, pains, and problems to Him, for He wants to comfort you, care for you, and let you know He loves you.  In 1992, my grandmother died.  I loved her so much, for as a child I would go to spend the summer on my mama’s family’s farm near Myrtle Beach, SC, and I only had good memories of my Christian, God-centered, Grandmamma.  My Grandmamma died and no one told me for four months.  When I found out, I wrote and asked my mom why she didn’t tell me, for as bad as it hurt knowing she died and I didn’t get to even say goodbye, it hurt even worse knowing because I’m in prison I’m out of sight and out of mind, and I’m not human enough in society’s mind to have feelings.  That’s how I felt, but my mom said she was trying to spare me additional pain.  I also know that my loving Savior knew how I’d feel, for He knows what it feels to have someone He loves to die.  When His friend Lazarus died, He saw Lazarus’s sisters, Mary and Martha, crying, and He also felt it so deep until “He wept.”  He cares for us as prisoners, for there are hundreds of scriptures He wrote, and in them, He expressed His concern for us and how He wants us to be treated.  He even gave a strict warning to everyone saying when you do it unto us, you’re doing it unto Him.  Now, does that make us proud or boastful?  No!  It should humble us to know that the King of kings has that much concern, care, and love for us.  It humbles me; that He also wept for a friend of His who died.  He knows exactly how long you’ll suffer in these shackles and chains.

        Why is it that you, as a Christian, have to suffer?  You’ve prayed in faith so many times, as I have, for God to let our victims forgive us, so they can have a sense of closure.  But the years pass and pass and we’re turned down on parole.  It makes us question God, ourselves and our fate.  Satan knows you’ve truly repented and he sees more than you see, for he sees God there near you because God loves you so.  Satan plays tricks on your mind.  He tells you no one really cares, for they don’t visit like they used to.  Maybe no one sends you a money order anymore, so Satan uses all the things you do without to cause you to doubt God.  But remember, it’s not a sin to be tempted to think some things in time of trials.  It’s a sin if we believe what we hear in our ear.

        On January 31st of this year, I went up for parole for my 17th time.  As the parole examiner came out of the TV camera room at Lee Prison where I live, he once again said, “Mr. Windham, it was a no today.”  I was devastated, for I’ve done all the right things in here.  I stopped drinking the homemade wine years ago.  I gave up the occasional weed smoke when life didn’t go my way, and the cigarettes bootlegged in by a package over the fence.  I’m thankful that Jesus didn’t give up on me just because society seems to have.  He cared and loved me even when I was out of His will, for He sees me by the eyes of grace and through His blood.  He knew that with just enough trials, just enough pain, just enough seeing blood shed by another man, I would want something real to be able to face my reality in here, and He can make Himself real to you also.  Prison is truly bondage to anyone who hasn’t accepted Jesus Christ as his savior.  Prison is real oppression, chains and shackles.  But I can tell you a truth, I’m not in prison.  Yes, my body is in prison, but my mind and spirit are free, for whom the Son has made free is free indeed.  I was once dead spiritually in my trespasses and sins, but just because I’m in a SC prison didn’t stop God from letting His Son die for me so I could be free and alive in Him.  He said that if the same spirit dwells in you that raised Christ from the dead, He will also quicken (make you alive) your mortal body.  As I said, when the parole examiner said to me, “Mr. Windham, it’s a no today,” in my pain and seeing the pain on my two sons, who came to support me along with my old friend Dr. Thad Davis, I said, “So, it’s a no today.  Does that mean it could be a yes tomorrow or next week?”  He politely said, “No, Mr. Windham, it’s a no until your next parole date.”  I was devastated.  Again, I took control and propped my sons back up by thanking and encouraging them.  Then we were ushered away from each other.  That was on a Wednesday.  For the next two days I couldn’t even attempt to pray, for I was so hurt and I didn’t want to say anything wrong to my Father.  I was being badgered by my soul’s enemy from every side and I relived that “No, Mr. Windham,” over and over.

        Have you, also, had to go through any of these terrible things?  Does it mean that, even though society doesn’t think I should be allowed another chance, the freedom to choose, to decide what to do with my life, (for that’s what freedom is) that God is limited because of this prison?  No!  God uses me and is with me even in this prison.  Before my rejection, about a whole month, I couldn’t stop from seeing myself free.  I would go out to the chow hall (though I wasn’t eating, but fasting) I could look out across the miles and see cars driving down a highway.  I told myself, “When you get out I want you to drive your car by this prison and remember how you felt watching from here.”  I saw myself getting my own cell phone and an I Pod with all my favorite gospel songs on it.  I saw myself being able to go to the grocery store and buying real fresh fruits, vegetables, and real meats.  We get none back here.  Our food is dead or overcooked and our meat is bone meal, so I drooled thinking about what most people take for granted.  I saw myself getting a job and making real money.  Y’all know that back here we never see cash but have a debit card for an I.D., and an occasional money order allows us to go to the canteen and buy processed food, cosmetics, underclothing and writing materials.  But freedom is the ability to be able to choose to do what you want to do.  God wants you to be able to do this, but He doesn’t want you to center your life around those things but to let Him be the center of your life.  One of my greatest desires if I were released, is to go to the jails, prisons, and other correctional institutions where I could give my testimony and tell those incarcerated about Jesus Christ and His great love.  I want to tell how He changed my life and how He can change theirs also.  Praise His wonderful name!

        All those wonderful feelings and expectations came to a halt that day.  But on Friday afternoon, the inmate rector in KAIROS (ya’ll know what that is, that’s KFC chicken, potato salad and chocolate cake once every two months if you are picked.) told me he wanted me give my testimony on Saturday morning.  I felt led to say yes, and not for the food, but I needed to be lifted up.  That night I wanted to pray for the service and souls, so I knelt beside my bunk and it was as if a dam had burst.  I wept before the Lord and I repented for the way I talked to the parole examiner, for I was wrong.  He was innocent.  I repented for not talking to the Lord.  I felt God’s spirit and again I heard that still small peaceful voice.  He told me, “I felt all your pain and I understood you even before you went through this.”  I felt His love and before I finished praying, I felt peaceful again; not torn up, not fighting to resist Satan’s attacks, and I knew what I would speak on that next morning.  I spoke on our loving, kind, and caring High Priest.  I spoke on God’s love.  I spoke on Jesus’ love and the ultimate sacrifice He gave so we could be free.  Not free from prison, for once you take your eyes off of parole, prison, the inmates who fight and hurt each other, and look at Jesus, you will have a paradigm shift, for then what you’re seeing when you look through the eyes of selfishness or flesh, are not the things that are real and eternal.  So, if you’re hurting in some of these things, I’ve also been through them and mentioning in this God sent, God blessed magazine by a handful of faithful, loving, caring People of the Living God, who will pray for you, send them a letter telling them how you feel, and I know they will pray for you.  They prayed for me for years and stood by me until I was set free.  Again, I want to quote a previously quoted scripture.  Paul said, “If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable.”

        My hope is in Christ.  He loves you and He’s a faithful High Priest.

                        I remain:   A prisoner of Jesus Christ
                                        Jimmy Windham #127054






Alda Scullin

        Have you ever wondered why God created the earth and put man upon it?  Did He not know what the outcome would be?  Did He not know that man would fall from his first estate and that His only begotten Son would have to be the sacrifice to redeem man?  Did the fall of man necessitate a revision of God’s plans, or was it included in His plans?

        Jesus Himself created hell!  “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  The same was in the beginning with God” (John 1:1-3).  “I form the light, and create darkness; I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things” (Isa. 45:7).  He prepared it for the devil and his angels.  “Then shall He say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from Me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels” (Matt. 25:41).  Would the Lord create a place of punishment and then come to earth and suffer death merely to save man from being cast into it?  If the salvation of men’s souls was the only thing involved, no doubt the Lord could have found an easier way to bring it about.  There must have been a far greater plan which prompted God to do these things as they have been done.

        God does not do things in a haphazard manner.  He works according to well-governed plans.  He knows the end from the beginning (“Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all My pleasure” [Isa. 46:10], and “worketh ALL things after the counsel of His own will” [Eph. 1:11].  He knew well enough what the outcome would be, for He made the promise of eternal life BEFORE the world began.  “In hope of eternal life, which God, that cannot lie, promised before the world began” [Titus 1:2].  We were chosen BEFORE the foundation of the world.  “According as He hath chosen us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love” [Eph. 1:4]), and Jesus was slain from the foundation of the world “but was manifest in these last times for you” (I Peter 1:20).  He has “saved us and called us with an holy calling…according to His own purpose and grace which was given us in Christ Jesus BEFORE the world began” (II Tim. 1:9).

        Surely, it is plain that all of these happenings have been according to God’s plan and were not an after-thought made necessary because Satan tempted Eve.

        Since God knew what it would cost Him to redeem man, why did He create him to be such a weak creature of the dust, subject to vanity?  Could He not have made man perfect to begin with, without a carnal nature, so that he could not sin?  When God made man subject to that which could cause man’s fall, He did it in hope!  “For the creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of Him who hath subjected the same in hope” (Rom. 8:20).  But – in hope of what?

        Let us go back – ages back.

        Lucifer was a mighty and wonderful being of God’s creation.  “The anointed Cherub that covereth.”  He was very close to the Almighty; but he became proud and thought to exalt himself to be like the Most High: “For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the Most High” (Isa. 14:13,14).  “Thine heart was lifted up because of thy beauty, thou hast corrupted thy wisdom by reason of thy brightness” (Ezek. 28:17).  He contested the power and the authority of God, and many of the beings of heaven were actually persuaded of his power to rise above God.  Because of this contest in the spirit realm God decreed that a way would be made whereby some of His creatures might become like Him, even to the putting on of immortality; but the being who sought to exalt himself to that place would be cast into hell.

        Then God placed beings here on this stage which we call the earth, and for several thousand years He has been demonstrating His wisdom to all beings.  “And to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God, who created all things by Jesus Christ: To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God” (Eph. 3:9,10).  The main purpose of this demonstration is to bring honor and glory to His name for His infinite wisdom and justice.  These beings who walk the earth in houses of flesh and blood have not seen the glories of the heavenly realm, nor walked the corridors of heaven, nor stood close to the Most High.  When one of these creatures of the dust turns to God and serves Him because he loves Him, although he has never seen Him, God is honored.  All beings, both good and evil, are greatly interested and intent upon this demonstration.  The balconies of heaven are crowded with “so great a cloud of witnesses” (Heb. 12:1).

        Now let us consider an incident that was witnessed, which brought honor and glory to God – the return for the hope God placed in His creation.

        There was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and “Satan came also.”  The Lord said, “Hast thou considered My servant Job?”  “Have you seen how he fears God and walks uprightly before Me?”  Satan had, indeed, considered Job.  He would have liked nothing better than to cast Job down and cause him to dishonor God; but God protected Job.  Satan charged the Lord before the sons of God who had come together.  But God said, “Job serves Me because he loves Me.”  Satan cast doubt as to the truth and justice of God when he contended that Job served God only because he benefited by it in every way.

        The Lord knew the devil was a liar; He knew Job loved Him; why then did He allow the devil to afflict Job so terribly?  Did He need to prove Job for His own satisfaction?  Did He allow it to convince Satan that he was wrong?  No!  He was demonstrating to the principalities and powers His manifold wisdom.  The other beings of heaven did not know what Job would do under pressure.  Some of them may have thought the devil spoke the truth.  We all know what Job did, and how he said, “Though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him” (Job. 13:15).  Surely, God was honored in this: Job proved God’s word to be true and the devil to be a liar.

        This, then, is the hope of God: that men will walk in obedience to Him regardless of how contrary it is to natural reason.  The natural mind would have told Job that God did not love him and had forsaken him even as his wife and friends(?) reasoned.  But Job did not listen to reason; his faith in his God was unshakable.

        Jesus, Himself, was our example in His walk of faith and obedience to the will of the Father.  The great Creator of heaven and earth and all that is in them subjected Himself to a body of flesh and blood that He might in all things “be made like unto His brethren,” and “suffered being tempted” even as they (Heb. 2:17,18).  And in all of this He was without sin.  He learned obedience by the things He suffered.  He put every enemy under foot.  He has gone the way before us and has said, “Follow Me.”  He has made it possible for us to walk in perfection, and He admonishes us: “Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.”

        He redeemed us with His own blood; not just saving us from spending eternity apart from God, but from the limitations and oppressions of the world, the flesh, and the devil.  He “redeemed us to God” (Rev. 5:9); made us “heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ” (Rom. 8:17).  To those who walk after the Spirit and not after the flesh, to those who are overcomers, the promises are many and great, even beyond our comprehension.

        “Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him” (I Cor. 2:9).  “For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us” (Rom. 8:18); “which things the angels desire to look into” (I Peter 1:11,12).

        He shall set on high those that set their love upon Him: “Because he hath set his love upon Me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high” (Psalm 91:14), and they that overcome shall sit with Him in His throne: “to him that overcometh will I grant to sit with Me in My throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with My Father in His throne” (Rev. 3:21).  They will have attained that to which Lucifer aspired.  God will be honored and His name glorified.  “He shall see of the travail of His soul, and shall be satisfied” (Isa. 53:11).






Harry Miller

        “Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the mother of us all” (Gal. 4:26).  “But ye are come unto mount Sion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels, To the general assembly and church of the firstborn” (Heb. 12:22,23).  “Come hither, I will shew thee the bride, the Lamb’s wife.  And he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain, and shewed me that great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God” (Rev. 21:9,10).

        Notice that the Lord does not have a “harem:” He is betrothed to only ONE CHURCH.  The apostle Paul spoke of the church as a “chaste virgin” (II Cor. 11:2).  He also said: “Husbands love your wives, even as Christ loved THE CHURCH, and gave Himself for IT; that He might sanctify and cleanse IT with the washing of water by the word.  That He might present IT to Himself a glorious church” (Eph. 5:26).  In our Lord’s prayer recorded in the seventeenth chapter of John, He said: “The glory which thou gavest Me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one” (vs. 22).

        The fact that Christ’s body is ONE is set forth in many places in the Scriptures.  In Genesis we find that it was the seed of THE WOMAN which would bruise the serpent’s head.  Revelation twelve tells us that the WOMAN brings forth a “man child.”  In the record of the book of Acts we see that THE ONE CHURCH of Christ had such unity that it is written: “the multitude of them that believed were of one heart and of one soul” (Acts 4:32).

        In the apostolic days THE CHURCH was not an institution, an organization, nor a denomination; it WAS A FAMILY.  When the family gathered together for worship they met IN A HOME.  Never do we read of a BUILDING CALLED A “CHURCH.”  The New Testament records the existence of only one TEMPLE OF DIVINE WORSHIP, and that one was in the city of Jerusalem.  And it was later destroyed by Titus.

        Today’s evils of denominationalism do not lie in the fact that men have an organization; or that they have a membership.  The wicked thing is this: that the organization is so often used by its members as a wall, or barrier, against any other Christian who does not accept their particular views and beliefs.  The Church of Jesus Christ is ONE.  Any institution of man that brings division among Christ’s saints surely must not be divinely led or inspired.

        There are many free-lance ministers and individuals who blame church organization for all of our troubles; and some even have the idea that there should be no organized assemblies of Christians at all.  But such a system is both unscriptural and impractical.  There must be divine order in Christian groups as well as in a man’s home.  God ordained a HEAD for the home; and He has also ordained, in the house of God, those “who have the rule over you.”

        In this lawless day there are many individuals who refuse to let anyone have the least bit of jurisdiction over them.  In other words, these people take the position that every man is a law unto himself.  Oh, of course they claim to be under the law of God, but they refuse to recognize any sort of divine government.  Such people are usually extremely opinionated and cling dogmatically to their own personal convictions, closing their minds to every doctrine that does not coincide with their particular ideas and interpretations.  People of this type have little tolerance for anyone who does not see things exactly as they see them.  Consequently, there are very few people with whom they can have any fellowship, and so they often boast about having to “walk alone.”  Although these folks are not usually sectarian in name, they are most certainly sectarian in spirit, and thoroughly intolerant of the beliefs held by all other Christian brethren.

        To live as a Christian is to live a LIFE OF CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP.  No Christian can LIVE ALONE.  The very nature of God is to love, and in order for anyone to practice the virtues of the divine nature it is necessary to have fellow-creatures upon whom to bestow his love.

        It is true that the genuine church of Jesus Christ is NOT a sect, not a denomination, nor is it an organization; but rather, a FELLOWSHIP of SPIRITUALLY-MINDED SAINTS.  It is written: “And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and FELLOWSHIP” (Acts 2:42).  This FELLOWSHIP of the body of Jesus Christ must be restored before our Lord will return.  His church must be ONE CHURCH; and He will bring about conditions in the earth that will CAUSE HIS CHURCH TO BECOME ONE.

        It is true that in the parable TEN virgins awaited His return, and five went in to the supper chamber.  But when He returns again to this earth, He will come for but one bride.  And it is said that she will “MAKE HERSELF READY.”  The virgins “trimmed the lamps,” but the BRIDE will prepare her PERSON for the Bridegroom.






Wesley Owen

        It has become common to hear the terms of positive and negative thinking applied to religion.  In actuality, the concepts of positive and negative thinking have nothing to do with truth, righteousness, obedience to God or living a Christian life.  The definitions of positive and negative have a meaning based in electricity, mathematics, or physics, and they may be used in our language to apply to man’s behavior and attitudes.  “Positive” has grown to mean when something is clearly expressed, strongly affirmative, or not subject to change; whereas “negative” means a denial.

        Many have been guilty of equating “positive” to true, good, pleasing, and somehow it has become attached to honest, just, pure and so on.  On the other hand, ideas, attitudes or behavior that are not favorable or pleasing to us are referred to as being “negative.”  Unfortunately, this relativistic and self-oriented attitude reflects the attitude of a great number of religious groups of today.  “The fact that something is true or false, or positive or negative, is playing a major part in modern man’s mentality and is destructive to man’s morals and spiritual values.” (David Hunt)  There are times when positive thinking could very well be proven to be dishonest.  For example, should a judge allow a confirmed criminal to go free for the sake of being positive, that surely would not be a positive act for those who must live around the criminal.

        Granted, this is an exaggerated example, but the point is that positive is not always equivalent to something that is for our best interest or well-being.  Parents who always say only kind and positive things to their children are not always doing the best for their children.  Most of us have known of ministries whose preachers never say anything that would make their hearers feel bad.  They are known for their positive attitude and possibly for their good humor, too.  They are appreciated for speaking of only the good.  Their positive talks usually make people feel good and give them a sense of positive feelings about themselves.  But what good will this do for correcting sin in their lives?  My friends, when sermons week after week do not cause us to take a look at our lives, we need to take heed.  It is a trap that the enemy uses to feed man’s self-oriented mentality.

        There is no question that it is unpleasant or down-right hard to evaluate and correct “self.”  Ministers or teachers who do not provide leadership in corrections in their members’ spiritual lives have failed.  To make it even stronger, ministers or Christian teachers who attempt to apply positive/negative thinking concepts to biblical truth are insulting our Lord whose very Word is filled with “negative” corrections and warnings of judgment.

        “True faith requires that we believe everything God has said about Himself, but also that we believe everything He has said about us.  Until we believe that we are as bad as God says we are we can never believe that He will do for us what He says He will do.  Right here is where popular religion breaks down.” (A.W. Tozer)

        “For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh), dwelleth no good thing; for to will is present with me, but how to perform that which is good I find not.  For the good that I would, I do not, but the evil which I would not, that I do…Oh wretched man that I am!  Who shall deliver me from the body of this death?” (Rom. 7:18,19,24)

        When Paul’s words are applied to our lives it does nothing to build up our own “self.”  They are not positive words about “self.”  What some of us must realize is that Christ saves us not only from hell but also from “self.”  It is difficult to come to the place in our Christian development where we stop and evaluate the damage “self” is doing.  This realization is especially hard when Christian books, radios, TV’s, and churches are bombarding us with this new religion of “selfism”: self-acceptance, self-love, self-image, self-confidence, self-esteem or self-you-name-it.

        No wonder D. Marty Lloyd-Jones in the book, The Cross, wrote, “Pride is the cause of all our trouble…Everything is telling us to believe in ourselves, pandering to our pride, building us up and inflating us.”  John Calvin warned, “There is nothing more acceptable to the human mind than flattery.”  We all need to be striving and praying for full deliverance from “self.”  We must learn to shift our interest from “self” to Christ.  We must become Christ-centered instead of self-centered, totally forgetting ourselves in a delighted preoccupation with Christ.  The big question is “How do we do this?”

        We surrender ourselves completely into God’s hands, a task this writer finds very difficult to do as long as he allows “self” to rule in any way.  None of us are immune from the carnal nature which is so contrary to God’s way.  This surrendering is a daily, and for many of us, an hourly battle.

        As we study the word of God, we must be very cautious to do so with an honest but submissive heart, as well as a teachable spirit, eager and willing to have our thinking and desires changed into conformity to God’s will.  This process is surely a “negative” appearing experience, but the results will be “positive.”  We must remember that although it is no longer in style to down “self,” we must do just that, just as it is no longer in vogue to “fear God and keep his commandments” (Eccl. 12:15).  There is victory over sin and over “self” which has been made available through Christ.

        God, who cannot lie, has said in Ezekiel 36:26, “A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you.”

        What a wonderful promise!  Let us lay hold of it, accept it as true, and appropriate it to ourselves.  Then shall it be fulfilled in us, and we shall have that wonderful change which the grace of God has made in us.  He, who made the promise, has the responsibility of keeping the promise, and He is equal to the occasion.  God, who promises this marvelous change, will assuredly carry it out in all who receive Jesus, for to all of them He gives power to become the sons of God.

        Again, beware of words dressed in Christian terminology that have been accepted in many churches as Biblical truth, and that present the belief that positive is necessarily good and negative is conversely bad; words which usually will stress only what is “positive” from Scripture.  Their words will be “comforting” and “uplifting,” but with great care avoiding anything which appears to be “negative.”  If one is not extremely cautious, he can find himself trapped into this deceiving doctrine which comes in many forms and styles.

        We must keep in mind that the primary characteristics of the last days will be religious deception the likes of which have never been seen.






(Part Two)

Warren Berry

          In reading the history of the great debate between the followers of Jacobus Arminius and those of John Calvin, I am reminded of the conflict Jesus, His disciples and early converts had with the religious leaders of their day.  Religion had become a written and prescribed dogma of man-made laws, devised by spiritually ignorant men void of the true meaning of scripture.  They were bound to their own traditions and religious superstitions while claiming to base their religion on God’s word.  Because they approached God’s word (the Old Testament) intellectually, they missed the heart and purpose of scripture, and this is vividly seen in the rejection of the One Whom scripture foretold was to come.  They had missed the truth while reading and studying the truth God gave to His people.  What a tragedy!  What a travesty!  What blindness!  What deception can be found in religion when that religion is void of spiritual understanding.  So needful it was for Jesus to send the Holy Spirit to lead and guide those who come to Him and are genuinely saved, that through the Spirit’s teaching they might come to the knowledge of the truth.

        What is most evident was the hard-heartedness that existed in these two camps.  Hatred motivated many and fueled the debate, a hatred, which itself causes those who read the account in history, shudder from such ungodly expressions.  This alone makes me leery and cautious to take to heart their final stand on scripture lest they have, as the Pharisees of old, searched the scriptures, thinking they have eternal life but will not humble themselves before Almighty God.  One thing that is most important and which will be repeated in this study is that God’s character is to be produced in His followers.  Hatred is not something that followers of Christ are to manifest.  While Jesus constantly resisted and exposed the Pharisees and religious leaders of His day, He never expressed hatred toward them personally.  Jesus desired to gather the children of Israel to Himself but they “would not.”  In Luke 19:41, Jesus wept over the city of Jerusalem.  It was not for the place itself that He wept but for the people in that city who were blind to the day of their visitation.  If Christians are called to follow Jesus Christ, we must then put on His nature and respond as He would.  That does not mean that we don’t stand up for truth, for we must hate the false teaching while retaining a love and respect for the brother who may not see things as we do.  Who has all truth?  Who can declare all the wisdom and knowledge of God?  Who fully understands God?  Who can declare with absolute certainty the divine plan of God and how it will all unfold?  Who comprehends the sovereignty of the Almighty?  Who has all truth and can stand and say, “We have the ‘Full Gospel’ and know all the truths of scripture?  As high as the heavens are above the earth so are His thoughts above ours.  We have a very limited understanding of the divine and to be so cocky as to think that man in his own wisdom can place limitations upon God, is foolishness to the nth degree.  So, let us with meekness approach God’s word and let us listen closely and humbly to the Holy Spirit as He would teach us.

        Let us consider each of the Five Articles of Arminianism and the Five Points of Calvinism so we might compare the two and evaluate each in the light of scripture.  As was stated in part one, pitting scripture against scripture is not the answer to this debate, for this increases the tension.  That does not mean that we disregard scripture, rather that we look deeper into scripture to come to a better understanding of things like: the nature and character of God, His divine plan, and how His love and grace work in harmony with His law, His justice and judgment.  How we approach these five “Articles” reflects upon God’s nature and His kingdom.  While we can’t possibly know everything about God, let us at least not in any way defame or cast doubt upon His character and who He truly is.

        The Five Articles of Arminianism were not originally listed in the same order as the Five Points of Calvinism.  However, since the Five Points of Calvinism are more common in today’s world, we will list them in that order.  While we will examine each point separately, the five points are all interlocked together making each intricately and essentially connected, for they build one upon the other.  Therefore, we may refer to the other articles or points as we deal with each one.  Calvinism is commonly associated with the acronym, T.U.L.I.P. each letter representing one of the five points.

        For the sake of those not familiar with the Five Points of Calvinism and to help to get a glimpse of the whole picture, listed below are the Five Points.  Remember they are in response to the Five Articles of Arminianism.

        T. Total Depravity
        U. Unconditional election
        L. Limited Atonement
        I. Irresistible Grace
        P. Perseverance of the Saints.

Total Depravity

          The first point of discussion is the doctrine of “Total Depravity”.  Webster defines depravity as: “the quality or state of being corrupt, evil, or perverted”.  Total depravity then leaves mankind without any possibility of saving himself.  It further leaves man without the ability to come to Christ for salvation; he can only come as he is drawn by God.  Take special note that man is depraved in relation to the spiritual.  Now let’s evaluate the teaching of both Calvinists and those of the Remonstrance.

Calvinist: Article I. Total Inability or Total Depravity

        Because of the fall, man is unable of himself to savingly believe the gospel.  The sinner is dead, blind, and deaf to the things of God; his heart is deceitful and desperately corrupt.  His will is not free, it is in bondage to his evil nature, therefore, he will not - indeed he cannot - choose good over evil in the spiritual realm.  Consequently, it takes much more than the Spirit's assistance to bring a sinner to Christ - it takes regeneration by which the Spirit makes the sinner alive and gives him a new nature.  Faith is not something man contributes to salvation but is itself a part of God's gift of salvation - it is God's gift to the sinner, not the sinner's gift to God.

Remonstrance: Article III: Total Depravity of Humanity

        That man has not saving grace of himself, nor of the energy of his free-will, inasmuch as he, in the state of apostasy and sin, can of and by himself neither think, will, nor do anything that is truly good (such as having faith eminently is); but that it is needful that he be born again of God in Christ, through His Holy Spirit, and renewed in understanding, inclination, or will, and all His powers, in order that he may rightly understand, think, will, and effect what is truly good, according to the word of Christ, John xv. 5: “Without me ye can do nothing.”

        If you read these closely, you find they both promote total depravity.  Calvinists state: “His (man’s) will … is in bondage to his evil nature, therefore…he cannot - choose good over evil in the spiritual realm”.

        Now compare this statement to that of the Remonstrance: “That man has not saving grace of himself…as he, in the state of apostasy (Webster: “abandonment of a previous loyalty” [That abandonment was in Adam]) and sin, can of and by himself neither think, will, nor do anything that is truly good.”

        Actually, the early Arminians believed in the doctrine of “Total Depravity” as far as man’s relationship to God was concerned.  They also taught that Adam’s sin brought the whole human race into the bondage of sin.  In The Fall, Satan became the god of this world and men became his slaves, for they henceforth were bound and enslaved to evil propensities with no way to escape the clutches of sin.  The major difference in this point was that of free-will.  Calvin taught that man does not have free will in respect to the spiritual realm whereas Arminius believed that man did have free-will.  We would have to consider some of the other points of Calvinism and those of the Remonstrance in order to gain the full picture of what is involved in free-will.

        There are so many statements or accusations made by both Calvinists and Arminians that are not totally correct in light of the original points of “Total Depravity.”  How many Calvinists knew that the originators of the Remonstrance agreed with the issue of total depravity?  And, how many of those who claim to be Arminian, or at least lean strongly that direction, know what was originally taught?  I am referring to sincere Calvinists who love God and are presently persevering, and to Arminians who are also persevering and see the dangers of legalism.  The major difference in the original opposing camps relative to Total Depravity is the issue of free-will.  However, those who held the doctrine of free-will, clearly stated that the soul is only awakened and saved by the mercy and grace of God.  They also realized that man is saved only through the means provided by a sovereign God.

        However, in many of today’s Arminian circles, the articles of the Remonstrance are not accepted as they were originally presented.  John Wesley disagreed with Reformed Theology and leaned strongly toward Arminianism although he felt Arminius did not interpret scripture completely accurately.  John Wesley is responsible for the prominent form of Arminianism, which is called “Wesleyan Arminianism”, and which is accepted and taught by most Arminian churches today.  It is therefore necessary, as we consider the struggle between Arminianism and Calvinism, that we bring to the table John Wesley’s understanding and interpretation of scripture relative to this topic.

        John Wesley taught “Depravity as deprivation but man has prevenient grace universally”.  Prevenient grace is defined as: “The divine grace that precedes human decision.  It exists prior to and without reference to anything humans may have done.  As humans are corrupted by the effects of sin, prevenient grace allows a person to engage their God-given free will to choose the salvation offered by God in Jesus Christ or to reject that salvific offer.  Wesley taught that prevenient grace enables, but does not ensure, personal acceptance of the gift of salvation.”  It is easy to see that John Wesley disagreed with the teaching of TOTAL depravity, yet he held to the idea that man is depraved.  Following is a quote from John Wesley that expresses his view of predestination and which was the area of his strongest opposition to Calvinism.  (Calvinists hold to the doctrine of ‘Predestination’ which we will discuss later.)  "We cannot be held responsible for our sins if God has irrevocably decreed our destiny before the foundation of the world.  Absolute decree undercuts individual personal responsibility.  We can be held accountable only if we have genuine power of choice.  Prevenient grace enables us to exercise our will.  Prevenient grace enables us to take the first step of grace to God's commandments and that first step is repentance."

        Wesleyan Arminianism also taught and believed Paul’s letter to the Ephesians and stressed Ephesians 2:8, “For by grace are you saved and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God.”  That verse does not belong only to Reformed Theologists.  They also have read the account in the garden where God gave the promise of a Savior who would crush the serpent’s head and set men free from the slavery of sin and bring them again into fellowship with his Creator.  O, what a wonderful promise by the One Who cannot lie nor fail.  O, why cannot we, as those who were dead in trespasses and sins, love one another as He so loved us?  Is not this the true heart of the Gospel, that we love God with all our hearts and love our neighbors as ourselves?  Is it not that when we see a brother overtaken in a fault, that we pray for them and bear them up before the mighty throne of grace?  It may be, if we would exercise ourselves in love and apply these two very clear and simplistic laws, upon which all other law hangs, to our hearts, we might just find that we are the ones who were wrong all along.  But then again, we are shapened in iniquity and that proclivity of sin follows us even into our walk with God.

          God teaches us largely through His word, but He also teaches us in life.  Life’s experiences are a great teacher.  Let me here again refer to myself and my experience as a child.  I was reared in a Christian home and in a church that was primarily legalistic.  As a young child (in elementary school) I would sit in church, listening to the songs, testimonies and sermons, and I had a desire to know God as I felt that many members of that church knew Him.  I especially desired to know Him as those who preached from the church’s pulpit.  I desired to know scripture as they did.  However, I was not a straight ‘A’ student and I felt I could never know God as they did because I did not have the intelligence necessary to understand and quote scripture as they did.  I mention my experience in order to ask: “How did ‘Total Depravity’ work in this young heart?  Why was that desire there?  Where did it come from?  How did that desire gain entrance into this depraved heart?”  I was saved years later not at the time when this desire first manifested itself.  I am positive that God was working in my heart long before I came to Him in true repentance.  What then, do we see?  God’s sovereign grace was drawing me in a legalistic Arminian environment, being taught that I must respond to the drawing of God.  John 6:44 was clearly taught and emphasized in that church, which reads, “No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day.”  I was the one who had to respond to that drawing.  Unfortunately, it was years later before I surrendered and knelt before the cross and found God’s great salvation.  His love flooded my soul and I was made a new creature in Christ Jesus.  The importance of this experience is that a soul was saved through the blood of Jesus Christ, applied to a sin-ridden soul, cleansing it, redeeming it, sanctifying it and reconciling it to its God.  The importance was not whether it was a response of free will or through a sovereign act of God (Yet, it was a sovereign act of God from whichever camp you view it ).  The question is: Did I have the ability or power to choose and accept God’s drawing or reject that moving of the Holy Spirit?

        Being in a more legalistic church, the scripture found in Philippians 2:12 was often read or quoted, the last part: “work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.”  Of course, that is very fitting for those who hold to free will.  When I became acquainted with Calvinist brethren, the verse quoted very often was the next verse in Philippians, verse 13: “For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.”  Interesting how we pick and choose what to emphasize.  However, I am fully convinced that both of these verses are correct and are important to all those who desire to please God.  We must work.  We must deny ourselves, take up our cross and follow Jesus Christ.  We must go the extra mile, turn the other cheek, love our enemies, do good to them that hate us, pray for them which despitefully use us and persecute us.  We must put on the whole armour of God and engage in a battle against sin in our own lives.  We must strive to enter in at the strait gate and walk the narrow path.  We must love our neighbors as ourselves and love one another as Christ loves us.  I ask: Who can obey these commandments of our Lord apart from the grace of God?  Who has the strength in himself so that he can pull himself up to this high standard?  Who can deny that this can only be done by the wonderful grace (God’s empowerment) of God?

        In conclusion of this section, whether Arminian or Calvinist, we can only walk with Christ genuinely and scripturally as the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit, which is given unto us (Rom. 5:5).  It is not by the particular school of theology we hold to that determines whether we are true Christians or not.  That’s what the Pharisees and religious leaders in Jesus’ day thought.  Jesus told us exactly how men would know that we are Christians: “By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another” (John 13:35).  From this point alone, I do not want to be found among those who hate one another because of a disagreement in a doctrine.  I do not want to be associated with those who give themselves an excuse to hate, because of their doctrinal position.  This, my brethren, is exactly how the Pharisees behaved.  Jesus said that those who are not against us are on our part (Mark 9:40).  Jesus said we are judged by our fruit and not merely by our doctrinal positions.  He also warned that many would stand before Him in that day and claim how loyal and great they were to Him, yet He will say, “Depart from me, ye that work iniquity.”  Religion is one of the most deceptive snares of the wicked one.  This is easily seen in other religions of the world.  But do not be deceived, it is also rampant in the “Christian” church as well.  Let us walk as those who are risen from the dead and have passed from death into life.

A Couple of Final Thoughts:

        I would like to ask one question relative to the issue of TOTAL depravity.  The Reformed view expressed in Point One is that, “His will is not free, it is in bondage to his evil nature, therefore, he will not - indeed he cannot - choose good over evil in the spiritual realm.”  I can agree with this statement to a point.  It is true that man will not, nor can he choose God without a divine work of grace.  Jesus said, “No man can come to me except the Father draw him” (John 6:44).  However, if man is TOTALLY depraved, how can he produce good in the natural world?  It is very obvious Point One refers to total depravity in the spiritual realm, yet if one is totally depraved, he will be depraved in the natural world as well as in the spiritual, for we are all spiritual beings.  However, unsaved men and women do good things in this world.  Why does a child born totally depraved love his parents (which is an attribute non-existent in Satan’s dominion)?  And obeys them (which is a God-given command)?  Why do the totally depraved give to the poor and to charities (which is also Biblical)?  There must be some good in them somewhere or else all men would be as Hitler or Mussolini.  It appears to me that some of the attributes of Adam’s virtue before the fall were passed on to mankind.  Man does not exclusively behave as the devil, which they should if they were totally depraved.  It is true that pride, selfishness and tendencies toward evil are present with all men and motivates them in many of their actions, yet there are also acts of righteousness manifested as well.

Other Relative Information

        There are other ideas concerning man’s state at birth, existent in some Christian groups.  Beliefs which are neither Arminian or Calvinist.  One such theory is that man is not born with inbred sin.  It teaches that man is not a sinner until he commits sin.  Of course, all men eventually do sin, thereby placing all men at enmity with God eventually, and therefore creates a need for a Savior.  Some, of this conviction teach there is an age of accountability, an age which varies with different people.  One child may be accountable at six years of age while another might at ten or twelve.  However, in this study, we are not considering the different teachings of how man becomes a sinner, rather we are comparing and contrasting Arminianism and Calvinism in a search for truth.

                        (to be continued)






        The time of the yearly Passover is drawing near and People of the Living God will be observing this feast beginning at sundown on April 29th.  We observe the Passover by having a meal in the evening along with the communion as Jesus ordained on His last evening with His disciples.  People of the Living God do not hold the belief that Passover observance is a salvation issue.  However, we do believe it is a time to give glory, honor and praise to Jesus Christ for offering Himself as the “Lamb which taketh away the sin of the world” and, thereby, freeing those who will come to Him in faith, from eternal death brought about by sin.  It is a time to be thankful and to acknowledge the wonderful gift of salvation and that eternal life given us through the blood of Jesus Christ.  People of the Living God observe the feast of Passover, which includes the feast of Unleavened bread for one week.  We keep the first and the seventh day as a Sabbath.  Therefore, we will not be involved in our daily labors on April 30th or on May 6th.  On those days we will have fellowship together and gather for times of worship and praise.  May God bless all those who observe this feast and may we keep it unto the Lord.