People of The Living God


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June 2020






Note regarding the following article: It not my intention nor that of “The Testimony of Truth” or People of the Living God to be political, nor to endorse one party above another. We know there are many Christians on both sides of the political aisle and I personally know Christians that certainly love the Lord but do not have the same political views I have. This article is only to inform Christians in general of the dangers we face. I do recommend the book, Dark Agenda by David Horowitz, which exposes the progressive ideology, especially for those who may take offense of anything written in this article. My prayer is that all Christians awake, for the hour in which we live is perilous. As watchmen, we are to sound an alarm when we see danger approaching. It was at the midnight hour, when the virgins were asleep, that the cry went forth, “Behold the Bridegroom cometh, go ye out to meet Him”. Too many Christians are asleep, and it’s time to awake and trim our lamps and be sure we have enough oil for the days ahead.




Alfred King

        The recent global response to the COVID-19 has exposed the vulnerable foundation upon which world economies, world societies, and especially world governments rest and has unveiled how quickly our world can change. In an effort to be respectful to those who have died from the Corona Virus and their families, we can only give our sincere condolences as our hearts grieve for anyone who has suffered the loss of a loved one. There are no words that can truly relieve the pain of such tragedies as have affected millions around the world. It is not my intention to devalue any life, for every life has intrinsic value and every man, woman, and child was created by God and in the image of God. There is no value that can be placed upon one’s life.

        With that in mind, we must also remember all the soldiers who have died in American wars, fighting for or defending America’s freedom. I believe I can safely say that since WWII, Americans have lived in one of the most prosperous and blessed nations in world history. The blessings have overtaken us in almost every aspect of life. The “American Dream” has been available for anyone who would apply themselves, go out and pursue those things which would benefit their way of life. Our children have been given opportunities other generations only dreamed of. Education has been made available for any career a person might desire and people who grew up in poverty were able to rise to the middle class and higher. While many people in third world countries don’t know from where their next meal will come, we in America dine in restaurants for meals costing $50 per plate and up. We throw away enough food in this nation that would be sufficient to feed the whole populous in some third world countries. Our city dumps are filled with stuff we purchased yesterday and threw away today. Most Americans have had the opportunity to travel freely throughout the United States viewing her beauty which in the past was experienced by only a very few. Most of us are given paid vacations every year so we can enjoy special time with our family and friends.

        This is not to say that there are not still some very poor people in this nation, but the freedoms we have been given by those who have fought and laid down their lives for those freedoms are a blessing even to the poorest of us. And even for the poor, there are many charitable organizations and government programs which exist for the purpose of helping those who find themselves in poverty. This nation has some of the best medical facilities and institutions in the world. The injured have doctors and nurses who mend them back to health. Our lives are more pleasant through the various treatments we receive to help us maintain our health, giving us longer life expectancy. Americans have been most wonderfully blessed with what God has provided for us in His marvelous grace.

        With all this said, it is amazing and disturbing that we, who are a freedom-loving people, would so easily give up our freedoms to a government which is already seeking to gain more and more control over its citizens. The media has reported on the Corona Virus in such a manner as to inject fear into most of the people in this nation thereby causing its citizens to surrender their freedoms with little thought of the repercussions of such a surrender, and in doing so have demonstrated a lack of respect and appreciation for those who have fought to defend these liberties. The fear of the virus brought our economy to a standstill.

        However, it is easy with 20/20 hindsight to be critical about the decisions which were made when the threat of the virus was unknown. Nevertheless, hindsight should be seriously considered now, not only from the statistics which the virus has left in its wake but those statistics which are surfacing each day. We must examine where we are and what we can learn from this experience.

        The damage done to our economy is a most serious and is a critical problem, which effects we will feel for years to come. Printing trillions of dollars will certainly devalue the dollar. The stimulus package might help get things rolling again, but Americans will suffer in the future. It may take a year or two before the full effects of the stimulus plan are acutely felt, and who can tell how long its pain is felt.

        What is even more disturbing than the economy is the power the government has taken upon itself to shut down the economy and the citizens of this nation. They have acted as do socialists and communist nations. What we see unfolding before our eyes is a move toward socialism, a system of government which will, over time, destroy our freedoms and make Americans mere numbers in a government data base.

        Realizing that our Christians liberties are under attack by the progressive movement in our country, as the progressive agenda is to destroy America as we know it, it would be prudent for us to consider some wise words from Daniel Webster: “If we and our posterity reject religious instruction and authority, violate the rules of eternal justice, trifle with the injunctions of morality, and recklessly destroy the political constitution which holds us together, no man can tell how sudden a catastrophe may overwhelm us that shall bury all our glory in profound obscurity.” (emphasis mine) We have just experienced how easily the US Constitution, which we put our trust in, can be pushed aside and our freedom for religious gatherings and freedom of speech can be taken from us in short notice. It was not even challenged. We just folded our hands and surrendered our freedom without struggle.

        Suppose our military decided to hibernate because they were afraid of dying. Suppose our police officers were too fearful to risk their lives confronting thieves, burglars, murderers, rapists, drug dealers, and other criminals and, instead, when they anticipated danger they just hibernated. To gain freedom and maintain that freedom requires that some will die, some will be injured, some will be maimed for life. But the brave men and women of this nation have paid that price because liberty was worth it. Today, there are people being fined, arrested, and threatened for doing things that government officials think they shouldn’t do. Some parents have been intimidated for allowing their children to play outside or visit neighbors even though they were playing in their homes. Just today, I read about a man in Canada who was fined for walking his dog. He was fined $880. After the incident attracted media attention, the media went to the police station in an attempt to get a comment. The police then went back to the man and relieved him of his $880 fine but fined him anew for $1225. (*Teaparty 247 – April 27,2020)

        Similar things have been happening just south of Canada in the USA. A twenty-seven year old lady has been sentenced to 90 days in jail and a $1000 fine for organizing a protest in downtown San Diego. When the government can begin to shut down peaceful demonstrations, they will have gained complete control of its citizens and will have shoved aside the Constitution of this great nation. Let us remember the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people, peaceably to assemble and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.” When government can restrict peaceful demonstrations, they have overstepped their bounds. When they can forbid religious services, they have usurped their constitutional authority.

        Some may think this is for a good cause and it is true we must use caution at this time. As Americans, we are a considerate people and are willing to sacrifice when there is a virus threat or something similar for the good of the health of the American populous. I am myself in the so-called danger zone of being elderly. But I would rather die of COVID-19 than have my children and grandchildren live under a totalitarian government.

        If one will honestly look at how some state governors are trying to restrain and control their citizens, you will see they are set on control, regardless of the desires of their constituents. You will see how those they represent will suffer if they continue to be unable to work and provide their livelihood. Progressives hate capitalism and hate religion. Why are progressives, such as some of our congressional leaders, encouraging people not to return to work? Why is the left wanting to give out all the “free money”? It is to get people dependent upon the government, and when the people become dependent upon the government, the government then has control and can and will dictate what its citizens can and cannot do. This is the way it is in Russia, China, North Korea, and other communist countries. The agenda of progressives is to set up a social society in which they will be in control. Let me briefly expose their ideology.

        The premise upon which progressivism rests is in contradiction to that upon which Christianity rests. Protestantism teaches that man has a fallen nature obtained in the Adamic fall. The Bible teaches that man’s heart is deceitful and desperately wicked (Jer.17:9). It is recorded in Psalm5:9 that man’s “throat is an open sepulcher” and “with their tongues they have used deceit.” “The poison of asps is under their lips” (Psalm140:3), and there are many other verses which warn us of the wickedness of the human heart. It is because of man’s fallen nature that Jesus came. He came to redeem man so man can be set free from the depravity of his own heart and have his heart changed. God is in the business of changing hearts, conforming them to the likeness of Jesus Christ.

        Progressive ideology is that man is basically good, and it is society that causes him to fall into depravity. They feel it is the evils of society that are the real culprits to man’s evil practices. If society were void of all evil, then men would be good. Or it could be said this way, “The evils in man are the result of an evil society,” therefore, society is the blame. However, this is completely false, not only from scripture but from all logic and reason, for as David Horowitz wrote in his book, Dark Agenda, “Society is not the cause of injustice. Society is merely a reflection of who we are.” Who we are makes society what it is, not the other way around.

        Progressives believe that religion (not only Christianity, but all religions) is the greatest adversary to a perfect world, for religion teaches that there is such a thing as sin. But sin, according to Christians, is not just murder, theft, rape, and things of this caliber, but also fornication, adultery, homosexuality, lust, etc. are evil, therefore religious people are divisive, bias, intolerant, hate-filled people and, consequently, are destructive to a social society. It is for these reasons that religion must be stamped out before world peace can be achieved. If progressives can gain control of America’s government, the most powerful government in the world, it could begin to accomplish their goals worldwide. However, the constitution of the USA stands firmly in their way. They must first do away with our constitution and this is where their focus is presently. As Christians, we are informed from scripture that there is a man of sin who is just waiting for the right opportunity to take control and rule all nations, an antichrist unlike any before him. We realize that the battle which is ahead is a spiritual battle, and we have been given the power through Jesus Christ to overcome in the end. Let us not faint today nor give in to the demands of those who would steal our freedoms from us.

        So you can see one of my greatest concerns as a Christian is that, once the government controls the people, Christians will begin to lose their religious freedoms. Freedom of speech and the freedom of religion are under attack by progressives. The tyranny of the Church of England was the reason our forefathers sailed to this nation. They faced extreme hardships and many died before they gained a sure footing in the new world. But to them, their religious freedom was worth the price they had to pay. Our young men and women have paid the ultimate price for our liberties. We dishonor them when we allow those freedoms to be stripped from us so easily. We know from scripture that the day will come when Christians will become enemies of world governments as the antichrist moves in to deceive all nations and sets up himself as god. (Satan will never be God, for there is only one God and He is supreme.) The battle ahead will be one of the greatest battles that the world has ever seen, but it will be a spiritual battle and it must be fought in the spirit realm. Today is the day in which the church must put on the whole armor of God and learn how to pray and wrestle against the powers of darkness and the evil spirits which, even today, are working to destroy all that is moral, good, righteous, and godly. He seeks to destroy God’s people, for he has his sights set on the church. While he has the world’s governments, the world’s populous, and the world’s wisdom and power, the church has Jesus Christ, the King of kings and Lord of lords and the church will triumph in the end. Praise God!






A.W. Tozer

        If we think of the Christian religion as faith in Christ, love toward God and loving service toward men we can readily see how it may be a fountain of sweet water springing up into eternal life. And such it is surely meant to be.

        On the other hand, if we think of religion as the outward profession of inward grace (and it must be that to some extent) then we can see how it may become a mere facade behind which there is no reality, a showcase containing everything in the store, the shelves inside being completely bare. The passerby never dreams how empty the interior is until he goes inside and takes a look around; then he will understand that the window display has been a front to hide the poverty of the owner.

        If these remarks should seem unpleasantly realistic, remember that the burden of the Old Testament was the disparity between the external and the internal life of Israel, and much of the preaching of Christ was directed against the Jews for their failure to be inwardly what their outward profession proclaimed them to be. Paul, too, warned of those who had but a form of godliness without the corresponding substance, and the history of the church provides all the proof we need that the temptation to make a front of religion is very real and very strong. Our wisest course will be not timidly to skirt this subject, but to face up to it and deal with it courageously.

        The tendency to make a mere front of religion is strongest among persons engaged in professional Christian service, such as pastors, evangelists, teachers, Sunday school workers and those who write, edit, publish and promote religion generally. The Christian worker must be always ready to lead in public prayer or to offer a “word of prayer” under all sorts of circumstances and in almost every imaginable situation. He must be ready with a spiritual epigram for all occasions and on a moment's notice must be able to come up with wise and devotional counsel for anyone who might ask for it. The necessity to say the godly thing at all times often forces him to display an enthusiasm he does not feel and to settle for others questions about which he is not too sure himself. His profession compels him to seem spiritual whether he is or not. Human nature being what it is, the hollow tones of the professional cleric are too well known to require further mention.

        All this show of godliness, by the squeeze of circumstances and through no fault of the man himself, may become a front behind which the man hides, a plaintive, secretly discouraged and lonely soul. Here is no hypocrisy, no intentional double living, no actual desire to deceive. The man has been mastered by the circumstances. He has been made the keeper of other people's vineyards, but his own vineyard has not been kept. So many demands have been made upon him that they have long ago exhausted his supply. He has been compelled to minister to others while he himself is in desperate need of a physician.

        While this condition prevails more widely than we like to admit, it must not be accepted as inevitable. There is a better, a truer, a happier way, and it is not hard to find. We need only be bold and frank about the whole thing and the remedy will soon be discovered.

        Briefly, the way to escape religion as a front is to make it a fount. See to it that we pray more than we preach and we will never preach ourselves out. Stay with God in the secret place longer than we are with men in the public place and the fountain of our wisdom will never dry up. Keep our hearts open to the inflowing Spirit and we will not become exhausted by the outflow. Cultivate the acquaintance of God more than the friendship of men and we will always have abundance of bread to give to the hungry.

        Our first responsibility is not to the public but to God and our own souls. Moses came down from the mount to speak to the people. Christ told His disciples to tarry before they went. George Mueller would not step into the pulpit until he first bathed his soul in prayer and was feeling within the stirrings of divine grace.

        These men show us the way. It is through humility, simplicity and constant trustful communion with God that we keep the fountain open within our hearts.






Anna Leah McDonald

        I want to share more on prayer, because as I did a Bible study on it, I was amazed to see how much it is emphad. It is emphad more than anything besides perhaps Matt.22:37-40 (to love God and others). However, what can help us to love God more than to come into His presence and experience His presence, love, and goodness? What can help us let go of the worldly desires and give us motivation, strength and joy more than communion and direct contact with God? David says in Psalm16:11, “In thy presence is fullness of joy.”

        Jesus said that His house will be called a house of prayer for all people. Jesus also said, “watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak” (Matt.26:41). This verse reveals that one should pray, and that prayer does help us not to fall into temptation. Mark1:35 says Jesus rose up a great while before day to pray. At times, Jesus even spent entire nights praying (Luke6:12). Likewise, realizing the importance of prayer, the apostles said, “But we will give ourselves continually to prayer, and to the ministry of the word” (Acts6:4). Paul speaks of Epaphras who was “always laboring fervently in prayer,” and “had a great zeal for the brethren” (Col.4:12-13).

        “I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving thanks, be made for all men” (ITim.2:1); “Continue in prayer” (Col.4:2); “Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God” (Phil.4:6); “Continuing instant (constant) in prayer” (Rom.12:12); “Pray without ceasing” (IThess.5:17). “I will therefore that men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting” (ITim.2:8). Lifting up of the hands is a sign of yielding and surrendering. I feel it noticeably helps me to concentrate like an antenna for an unclear channel. When Moses lifted his hands, God endowed His people with power to defeat Israel’s enemies.

        “Praying always with all prayer in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints” (Eph.6:18).

How To Pray

        Basically, prayer is talking to God. Many, even believers, are not accustomed to praying. We can speak openly to God as unto a dear friend who cares for us, “casting all your care upon him, for he careth for you” (IPeter5:7). If you feel unworthy, as I often do, you can claim this promise, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (IJohn1:9). Also, “Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me” (Psalm51:10-11).

        The devil is called the accuser of our brethren and can sometimes discourage us. However, we can pray for forgiveness and cleansing. Then we can come boldly before the throne of grace unto God, who cares for us, and to a mighty God that can help us (Heb.4:16). “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you” (James4:7). “Draw nigh to God and He will draw nigh to you” (James4:8a).

        The conviction of the Holy Spirit leads us to repentance, but the condemnation of the devil weakens and discourages us. It is well to reject most fears, doubts, discouragements, and condemnation. However, the fear of God is a healthy fear that compels us to reject temptations. It’s a fear mixed with reverence for God, realizing also that sin will have consequences. “Be not deceived, God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap” (Gal.6:7) (Prov.1:7).

        If you have the issue of being overly absorbed in TV, cell phones, Facebook or computers, it will help very much to resist spending unnecessary time in these things. These can bring much negative spiritual influence into your life. They can bring oppression that makes it much easier to spend hours on these things than a few minutes to pray.

        Soap operas are also known to be quite addictive. One pastor said he was given videos of some very popular Korean soap operas. He said he and his wife would watch them for hours and lost sleep watching them late at night. He said it was like someone gave them drugs, so they quit watching them.

        We should endeavor to walk uprightly so that our prayers will be more effective. “And whatsoever we ask, we receive of him, because we keep his commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in his sight” (IJohn3:22). Also, “the effectual and fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much” (James5:16b).

        We should try not to pray for selfish unnecessary things (James4:3).

        Having selfish motives can hinder our prayers.

        For those that have difficulty praying, it would be beneficial to memorize the Lord’s Prayer in Matthew6:9-13 and pray this prayerfully.

        Faith is essential to prayer (Heb.11:6). We should pray in Jesus’ name. “If ye ask anything in my name I will do it” (John14:14). Some say there is also more power when we use Scriptures in our prayers. We can use the following Scriptures as our prayers: Psalm51; Eph.1:15-20; Eph.3:16-21. Also, there are many more prayers in the Bible, especially in Psalms.

        At times, it helps to pray out loud, for there is power in the spoken word. Mark11:23 says, “He shall have whatsoever he saith.” When I am tired, praying out loud helps to keep my mind focused.

        There’s also power in praying with others. In Acts we often find the believers doing so. Examples of this are found in Acts1:14; 2:42; 4:31; 16:13. “Again I say unto you, that if two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven” (Matt.18:19). God answers and blesses this unity. I’ve experienced that praying together often creates a much deeper unity and love amongst believers and also is very edifying. There are people with more of a gift for prayer. Praying with such people can help one learn to pray with more faith, fervency, and brokenness.

        Early morning prayer is a very good habit to have. It seems it is much easier to draw near to God before the business of the day begins. Also, when we put God first, He blesses us. “I love them that love me; and those that seek me early shall find me” (Prov.8:17). Psalm63:1 says, “Early will I seek thee.” The Spanish Bible reveals this as the time of the rising of the sun, the early morning. It’s a special time, as in a fast (if we have prayer before breakfast), and it is an important time to receive grace and help for he day. I’ve found that if we don’t make time for morning devotion, it’s a lot harder to do it later, especially with a family. There are a few more scriptures that speak of early morning prayer (Psalm5:3; 55:17; 143:8; Isa.26:9).

        Jesus says “men ought always to pray and not to faint” (Luke1:18). He teaches us to pray perseveringly though the answer may tarry. Sometimes prayers are quickly answered, but sometimes we need to exercise patience and persevering faith.

        There are many types of prayer. There are prayers of praise and thanksgiving. “Enter into his gates with thanksgiving and into his courts with praise” (Psalm100:1). There is prayer of confession for forgiveness. There is prayer for liberation (Matt.18:18). Lee Thomas says it is a good thing to bind the god of this world who blinds men (Matt.12:28,29). Sometimes it is very helpful to bind the powers of darkness that can hinder and oppress us. “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” (Eph.6:12). Then we can cast these spirits from us in the name of Jesus (Mark16:17). There is intercession, praying for others. “I exhort therefore that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men” (ITim.2:1). We are called to intercession. And we should be motivated with love of our children and loved ones to pray fervently for them. And, also, there are prayers for healing (James5:14-16; Mark16:17-18; Matt.9:35). There are prayers of thanksgiving. “In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you” (IThess.5:18a). Obeying this scripture can help us get out of our tendency to being unthankful and negative.

        Spending time with the Lord in His word and in prayer is vital for us to know God, have a real living relationship with Him and receive the grace we need to live as true believers. For without Him, we can do nothing (John15:5). “In this was manifested the love of God, toward us, because that God sent his only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through him” (IJohn4:9).

        I think it’s good to take a good while for prayer. In this way, I can get rid of all my burdens for myself and my loved ones. Then I can have some precious time to enjoy God’s presence and worship Him.

        I have a few friends who pray for awhile then enjoy singing a worshipful song or songs. “But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshipers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth; for the Father seeketh such to worship him. God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth” (John4:23,24). “Worship God” (Rev.22:9).

        The results of prayer can be amazing, as in Acts4:31 and Luke9:29. IICorinthians3:18 is a beautiful verse that reveals as we spend time with the Lord in His presence, it can have transforming power in our lives.

The Power Of Praise

        I am again amazed at how it can be profitable to hear teachings from other teachers from different parts of the body of Christ (Eph.4:7-16). Often consecrated elders can give us more light on certain things. Recently just reading a book called The Fundamentals of Christianity, I realized that this is an important teaching that is often overlooked and not even taught. If you take all the Scriptures pertaining to praising God (including blessing God), this is probably the most repeated command in the Bible. Praise is an easy and usually enjoyable way of worship to God that can be very edifying and uplifting. Psalm100:4 shows us that praise and thanksgiving can help us enter into God’s presence; “Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise; be thankful unto him, and bless his name.” “But thou art holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel” (Psalm22:3).

        One of the words used for bless is synonymous with praise. This word bless means to praise, exalt and worship. We can also praise Him by acknowledging Him and His goodness to us. The Vine’s Expository Dictionary gives this definition of worship: “To make obeisance, do reverence to, through the heart in praise, by singing and thanksgiving or by deeds done as direct acknowledgment of God” (Psalm107:8,21,31). The Father desires that we praise and worship Him, but we must worship Him in spirit and truth (John4:34,35). That is, endeavoring to live lives that honor Him. Also, as we praise Him through music, it should be with the spirit of reverence, adoration, thankfulness and true worship.

        When King Jehoshaphat was outnumbered by his enemies, Judah put their singers before their army. When they began to sing and praise God, God set up ambushes and defeated their enemies (IIChron.20:22). Praise and faith can open up the way for God to work quicker in our lives. Brother Zac Poonen has a few short teachings that are very edifying and show more about how praise can bring blessing, deliverance and even miracles to our lives. He has a good way of helping one to have a fear of God. Brother Poonen said that through praise we can make a throne for God to dwell in our homes and in our hearts. We can also make a throne for the devil by murmuring (ICor.10:10)! That has already helped me to be more careful to reject murmuring and negative thoughts, helping me to have a better attitude, especially when things seem to be going against me. When an evil spirit would oppress King Saul, David’s praises would bring deliverance and peace to him (ISam.16:14-23). As soon as Jonah cried out to praise God, he was delivered from the belly of the whale (Jonah2:1-10). In Acts, Paul and Silas were beaten then thrown into prison. They prayed then sang praises and God sent a strong earthquake, their chains fell off and immediately the doors were all opened (Acts16:25)! “Praise ye the LORD: for it is good to sing praises unto our God; for it is pleasant; and praise is comely” (Psalm147:1); (92:1). Praise is good and pleasing to God. It is a wonderful thing that we poor sinners can please God and enjoy worshiping Him. May we seek to come before Him with reverence, adoration, thankfulness and bless our God who is worthy to be praised!

Prayer for Revival

        I recently found this enlightening testimony online called, “Revival or Ruin” by Donald P. Courville at Here are a few quotes from him. “A mere emotional upheaval is not revival. The heart of revival is the Lordship of Christ. Anything less than revival is death.” Without a filling of God’s Spirit the flesh tends to lead one astray, thus it is as this pastor confirms; it’s revival or ruin. Revival often starts from prayer, when Christians become convicted, repent of their sins, and are filled with the Holy Spirit. True revival should continue as we reject sin and take up the cross, being dead to selfishness, pride and sin. However, often sin, and particularly unrecognized sin, can creep into our lives and quench God’s Spirit (IThess.5:19). Then we can find ourselves high and dry and in need of breaking, cleansing, spiritual awakening, and revival. Without the convicting of the Holy Spirit and His power, a believer can get far from the target and the Lord Jesus often without realizing it. It seems very few professing believers have actually ever received the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

        Jesus saw the importance of this filling of the Holy Spirit so much that instead of telling them to hurry and go preach the gospel, He told them to wait for the promise, and that they would be filled with the Holy Spirit (Acts1:4,5; 2:1-4). It’s believed that Pentecost was the former rain prophesied by the prophet Joel (Acts2:17,18). Where the prophets speak of the very last days, we have an added promise of the latter rain, which will be another outpouring of God’s Spirit (Joel2:23; Hos.6:1-3). In Zachariah10:1 we are told to ask for it.

        Some of the main results of revival are a greater awareness of God’s presence, more joy, more grace, a hunger to read God’s Word, more desire to pray, more love for God and others thus more power and desire to share God’s truth, and more souls saved. Sounds like something we need to wholeheartedly pray for. There are already revivals in Asia and Africa and a little in the US. Thanks be to God!

        At the end of Revival or Ruin, Donald Courville adds this,

        “A Sure Way to Have Revival

        “I can give a prescription that will bring a revival to any church or community or city on earth. The prescription is as follows:

        “FIRST, let a few Christians (they need not be many) get thoroughly right with God themselves. THIS IS THE PRIME ESSENTIAL. If this is not done, the rest that I am to say will come to nothing.

        “SECOND, let them bind themselves together in a prayer group to pray for a revival until God opens the heavens and comes down.

        “THIRD, let them put themselves at the disposal of God for Him to use as He sees fit in winning others to Christ. That is all!

        “This is sure to bring revival.I have given this prescription around the world. It has been taken by many churches and many communities, and in no instance has it ever failed; and IT CANNOT FAIL!” By Dr. R.A. Torrey

Meditation Of God’s Word

        It is a good thing to meditate on God’s Word. Prayerfully and slowly reading can be very edifying and strengthen our relationship with the Lord. “Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. But his delight is in the law of the LORD and in his law doth he meditate day and night. And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper” (Psalm1:1-3).

        Lately, I find it helpful to pray the prayer Jesus prayed in John17:26. I pray that the love wherewith God has loved Jesus will be in me. Also, it can be beneficial to meditate on ICorinthians13:4,5 and Matthew22:37 (John15:4,5; IJohn4:9; Rev.3:20; Gal.5:22,23). Throughout Psalms and the New Testament there are many beautiful gold nuggets to be found!

        Revival often starts from prayer when Christians become convicted, repent of their sins, and are filled with the Holy Spirit.






Leonard Ravenhill

        Peter in prison!What a jolt!

        We are too far removed from the actual scene to catch the atmosphere of dismay the Christians of that day felt.

        Peter had moved from Pentecost to prison, from jeers to spears.He was guarded by sixteen soldiers. One wonders why such a defenseless man needed such a group to watch him. Could it be that Herod feared the supernatural, seeing he knew that Jesus escaped such a group that guarded Him?

        Had Peter been hedged in by sixteen hundred soldiers, the problem would not have been increased nor the escape less sure.Peter was bound not only by two chains, but also by the thick walls of the prison, by the three wards of the prison, and finally by an iron gate.

        When Peter is in prison, does the church organize a plan to get him released?No. When Peter is jailed, do the believers offer a plea to Herod or suggest a price to offer the lawmakers for his freedom? No. Peter had released others at the hour of prayer; now others must believe for his release.

        Right through the book of Acts, which might be called The Acts of Prayer, we find prayer and more prayer.Dig into the book and discover this power that motivated the early church. In the twelfth chapter of Acts we find a group that prayed. Though a host encamped against Peter, in this were these believers confident: there was a God who could and would deliver. The one never-failing rescue operation was prayer. There was no hedging about in the prayers of those who made intercession for Peter. Prayer was made without ceasing by the church unto God for him. They did not seem to be concerned whether Herod should die or not. They did not pray that they might escape Peter's fate. They were not asking that they have another exodus to a more hospitable country. They prayed for one person: Peter. They prayed for one thing: his release. The answer proves the point: "Whatsoever ye shall ask,... that will I do."

        Some shabby interpreters of this biblical account have said that when the pray-ers heard that Peter was at the door, they were unbelieving.I cannot accept this assumption. I am sure that they prayed with expectation. I like to think that they were for the moment staggered by the immediacy of the answer. They could be excused if they raised their eyebrows when Peter said, "I got out quite easily with an angel escort." (Next time you pass through the magic self-opening door at your supermarket, remember that the first door to open of its own accord was operated from above!)

        Angel deliverances seem to find no place in our modern theology.Perhaps we would like the Lord to answer our prayers with the least embarrassment to us. After all, who expects that the angelic ranks should be disturbed just to bring deliverance to a praying soul? But supernatural results came for many of the praying saints of apostolic days. The Lord geared a property-damaging earthquake to get deliverance for an apostle. Prayer is dynamite.

        There is no weapon formed against prayer that can neutralize it.Some things can delay answers to prayer, but nothing can stop the full purpose of God. "Though it tarry, wait for it."

        The first requirement in prayer is to believe.

        -Believe that God is and that "he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him."

        -Believe that God is alive and therefore has power-not only for Peter's deliverance, but for ours.

        -Believe that God is love and that He cares for His own.

        -Believe that God is power and therefore no power can stand against Him.

        -Believe that God is truth and therefore cannot lie.

        -Believe that God is kind and that He will never abdicate His throne or fail in His promise.

        Reflecting on the story of Peter, I am rebuked, humiliated, chagrined, stung.Why? Because there are some great modern saints, Watchman Nee for one, who for years had suffered and been held captive by communists and others. Many of the saints today are shut up in prison. The same fate has befallen some of God's choice witnesses in Vietnam and in the Congo.

        Such perils to other members of the Body demand concern, concentration, and consecration to a committed plan of prayer on their behalf.I fear that prayer has not been made to God without ceasing for these suffering kinsmen.

        Mr. Bunyan shows us his Christian held captive by the Giant Despair in Doubting Castle.The key to his deliverance was Promise. We Christians are in captivity on many levels today personal, domestic, church, and missionary enterprise. But fetters break and dungeons fall when prayer is made by the church unto God.

        -Prayer without ceasing;

        -Prayer that might shatter our status quo;

        -Prayer that drains us of every other interest;

        -Prayer that excites us by its immense possibilities;

        -Prayer that sees God as the One that rules on high, almighty to save;

        -Prayer that laughs at impossibilities and cries, "It shall be done";

        -Prayer that sees all things beneath His feet;

        -Prayer that is motivated with desire for God's glory.

        The praying of the believer can become a ritual.The place of prayer is more than a dumping ground for all our anxieties, frets, and fears. The place of prayer is not a place to drop a shopping list before the throne of a God with endless supplies and limitless power.

        I believe the place of prayer is not only a place where I lose my burdens, but also a place where I get a burden.He shares my burden and I share His burden. "My yoke is easy and my burden is light." To know that burden, we must hear the voice of the Spirit. To hear that voice, we must be still and know that He is God.

        This calamitous hour in the affairs of men demands a church healthier than the one we have.This blatant manifestation of evil in the youth and in the violation of God's commandments throughout the world calls for a faith that will not shrink.

        Can we let our prayer swords rust in the scabbards of doubt?Shall our prayer harps hang tuneless on the willows of unbelief?

        -If God is a god of matchless power and incredible might,

        -If the Bible is the unchangeable Word of the living God,

        -If the virtue of Christ is as fresh today as when He first made the offering of Himself to God after His resurrection,

        -If He is the one and only mediator today,

        -If the Holy Spirit can quicken us as He did our spiritual fathers, then all things are possible today.

        The seas were boiling, the winds were howling, the sails were tearing, the spars were flying, the stars were hiding, Euroclydon was blasting.The people were cringing and crying, sobbing and sighing. One man alone was praising. All were expecting death save Paul. Amidst a scene of hopelessness, if ever there was one, Paul cries, "Sirs, I believe God" (Acts27).

        As things seem to fall apart these days, I am going to join Paul.I am going to say in faith, "Sirs, I believe God." Will you join me?






Rich Powell

        When would a man give up something of great value to himself?When he finds a superior replacement. Today we speak of upgrades: a devise to wear on the belt that has ten more functions than just a phone; a newer, classier automobile; or replacing veteran teammates with faster, more powerful ones. Eventually, just about everything needs replacement.

        In His shortest parable, Jesus spoke of the kingdom of heaven in terms of “upgrading” to something superior: “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up.Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field” (Matt.13:44). The cost of obtaining what is superior is letting go of what is inferior. It was with this understanding that the apostle Paul affirmed, “I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord” (Phil.3:8). In terms of success in his day, Saul of Tarsus was the poster boy. He had reached what every young man would dream of – prestige and position, with lion-d passion to match. But these are the things Paul would brush aside like street litter if hanging on to them would in any way obstruct his experience with Jesus Christ. The word he used to describe it is huperecho (to have over)which here is translated “excellent,” and in other places, “better,” surpassing,” “higher,” and “supreme.”

        The excellency of the knowledge of Christ can be measured two ways: by its quality and outcome, and by contrast to what is inferior.Paul’s statement could be paraphrased: What value is there in anything absent the knowledge of Jesus Christ? At a time when Jesus outlined the cost of following Him (i.e. letting go of the inferior) many decided that was too great a cost and no longer walked with Him. When Jesus asked the twelve if they too would leave, Peter responded, “To whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life”(John6:68). Paul echoes Peter here – there is no better option. This is superior – by far the best.

Specific Knowledge

        Paul’s statement of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ leads us to understand that there is no better option.This statement could be made with authority and confidence because of his experience. Paul’s knowledge was intellectual and rational, but it was more. His knowledge of Christ was experimental, meaning he spoke of his relationship (experience) with a person – The Person. And such knowledge was superior to any other that may compete.

        I remember being attracted to a young lady in college with whom I was casually acquainted.During one summer we both traveled in a small group representing our Bible college to various churches around the country. After spending ten weeks driving 13,000 exhausting miles in a van and experiencing common stresses, pressures and joys of such an itinerary, my knowledge of this young woman was much deeper than before. There was no question – I thought she was the best… so I asked her to be my wife. It is of this kind of knowledge that the Psalmist invited: “O taste and see that the Lord is good!” It is a knowledge that goes beyond intelligence to the level of experience – relationship. Wuest describes Paul’s knowledge as “the knowledge he gained through the experience of intimate companionship and communion with Him.” Yet Paul never seemed complacent with his knowledge of Christ and always craved more interaction.

        Now the apostle is not speaking of the surpassing worth of knowledge in general.He speaks of a very specific knowledge. There are many arenas of knowledge, but one specifically is infinitely superior to them all – the knowledge of Christ Jesus. Much is wrapped up in that name contingent upon His essence, His person, and His work from creation to redemption to regeneration. Who is Jesus Christ? He is, as Paul would affirm, the infinite, personal, loving Creator, Redeemer, Reconciler, and Intercessor. So, as Motyer explains, “the bare mention of Christ has been filled out over the years of experience of Him, so that it is now the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.

        The last two words are telling.It was to this supreme Person that this well-educated, highly successful, driven man had wholly resigned himself. Much as Thomas, kneeling at the feet of the risen Jesus Christ cried out: “My Lord and my God!” It was an unequivocal recognition of and surrender to – it was absolute devotion. Nothing else mattered if it did not have something to do with Christ. It is through this surpassing specific knowledge – of Jesus Christ my Lord – that you and I acquire the perfections of Christ.






Alfred King

        Grinding at the Philistine prison house day after day, gave Samson some time to reflect upon his life.How had he arrived at this place? How had he, a man called from his birth and gifted with supernatural strength from God Himself, become a slave to his enemies? Having his eyes bored out, mocked, enslaved, tortured, and tormented, he found himself laboring long hours in the hot sun and wearied by the intense strain his body was enduring. How had a man with such promise, a man appointed by God to be judge in Israel and supernaturally endued, the hope of Israel and the envy of the Philistines, been reduced to such servitude, a servitude which he loathed and despised yet could not escape. There he was, blind to the light of day, haunted by the darkness which possessed him, and grieved by the guilt which consumed him. Day after day and week after week, his body screaming in pain and his mind plagued as he recollected the destructive decisions he had made, those choices which brought him to this day, a day when he became a slave to his adversaries, to those whom he hated.

        No doubt he could now see clearly his own foolishness, his deplorable folly, the recklessness in many decisions he had made throughout his life, the bondage to which he was surrendering while he had the freedom to go to and fro as he willed.Although his physical eyes had been taken from him, he began to behold things in the light of eternal reality. An understanding was opening up as to why he had arrived at this place in his life. Oh, the grief, the regret of his many bad choices, which at the time he felt he could make with no serious repercussions or consequences.

        As a Nazarite from his birth, he failed to appreciate that wonderful honor which God had given him.As a Nazarite, he was not to touch a dead body, and if he did by some unfortunate circumstance, he was to go to the priest and be cleansed. However, on one of his journeys a lion came out against him and he in self-defense killed the lion with the power with which God had endued him. Yet scripture tells us that he did not tell his parents about killing the lion and did not offer the sacrifice for cleansing that was required by his Nazarite vowel. It seems very likely that he did not tell his parents because they would have pressured him to abide by the law to which he was to be committed.

        After some time, Samson was traveling in the same area in which he had slain the lion and decided to stop by and look at the carcass.As he came upon the carcass, he discovered that honey bees had built a nest there and the honey appealed to Samson. He collected some of the honey and took some to his parents. But, again, he did not tell them where the honey came from. He had twice now touched a dead body and had not obeyed the law of a Nazarite.

        The carelessness by which Samson lived and the lack of appreciation and respect for the call placed upon his life began to set him for a fall.His carelessness in this area only served to weaken him for the next test, and he continued to make wrong choices. For some reason, Samson seemed to be attracted to Philistine women. This grieved his parents to the point that they confronted him concerning his desire for the forbidden, for it was luring him in the wrong direction. They asked him, “Is there never a woman among the daughters of thy brethren, or among all my people, that thou goest to take a wife of the uncircumcised Philistines?” (Judges14:3) But their words and their wisdom were set aside, for he gave in to his carnal wisdom and desires.

        As he thought about these and many other poor decisions he had made, he realized that even the divine call of God did not or could not sway him to make proper choices.Those choices were his and his alone to make, and he had made very bad choices.

        What we will be in the future will be determined by the choices we make today.What we are when we appear before the judgment seat of Christ is determined by those choices we make today and no one can make those choices for us. Our eternal destiny is being written today, and we each determine what that destiny will be. The recklessness by which many live their lives today is, sadly, much like that of Samson. Even among Christians, who have been washed in the blood of Christ, live to gratify the carnal desires rather than setting their affections upon things above. The immediate gratification of carnal things pull at men’s hearts and they find themselves making wrong decisions because it is the easy decision. All too often we cast our eyes on the glitter and glamor that is so enticing to the flesh, rather than casting our eyes on Jordan’s shores. It is just easier to walk the broad way that leads to destruction than that narrow way to which we are called.

        Recently I held a funeral service of a good brother in the Lord.As I was gathering some thoughts and points to mention, I was made aware that this brother had lived his life for this day. God had given him the privilege and honor to become a son of God and gain eternal life in God’s kingdom. This man had made the wise choice to live for God and now any sorrow or pain he had experienced in this life is past and it was more than worth it all. God so loves man that He not only sent His Son to pay the price for our sins, but He gives us ample time and abundant revelations of His Godhead in order that man may choose the path of righteousness and dedicate himself to God. He patiently waits while we flounder around wrestling with carnality and lusts of the flesh. He doesn’t quickly cast us aside when we choose the wrong path but, mercifully, graciously and lovingly waits, and while waiting, He prods us much as Samson’s parents prodded him.

        If we think about where we are today, it is largely because of decisions we have made along the way.It is true that some events and circumstances that have paved the road on which we travel were not ours by choice, rather they are what some call, “providence.” We were born where our parents happened to be at the time our mothers gave birth. Our friends became those in the area where we lived, the school we attended was where our parents sent us. But there were choices we made in regard to the neighborhood in which we lived. We made choices to follow the path others took or to reject that path. We made decisions on whether to study hard in school or sluff off. We made decisions to get involved with school activities or not. And it is frightening to think that many of us made one of the most important decisions of our lives when we decided to marry. That choice affected the rest of our lives. A major decision when we were still wet behind the ears, and to be truthful, we didn’t know exactly what we were getting into. God was merciful to me because I was blessed with a woman who desired to live her life in service to God as I also chose to do.

        In light of these thoughts, let us always be cognizant of the importance of the choices we make every day, and let us make those decisions with eternity in sight.Let us remember Samson and learn from his mistakes. Let us keep our eyes on the goal set before us and run with patience, praying for Godly wisdom and His strength. We will reap in due season if we faint not.






Harry R. Miller

        Those who “have a form of godliness but deny the power thereof” consider the gifts of the Spirit to be only temporary, used mainly to usher in the “New Testament dispensation.” Some of these “clouds without water” declare that after the Gospel was thoroughly introduced there was no more need for the miraculous! They claim that at the death of the apostles these things passed away, and now every man must live by faith without any supernatural confirmation.

        But from the very beginning God has been the God of the miraculous; and as men have walked with Him and obeyed His commandments, they have enjoyed His blessings and have often been shown the works of God through the miraculous.

        Why did the Lord give the gifts of the Holy Ghost to men? What saith the Scriptures concerning this? “When he ascended up on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men…he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ” (Eph.4:8-13).

        Here in very plain speech we are told of three reasons why the gifts were given unto men.

        Let us consider the first reason: “Perfecting the saints.” How were saints perfected in the early church? Were they made perfect by the gifts of the Spirit, or by the works of the flesh? (Good morals, church attendance and membership, practicing the “golden rule” etc.?)

        Paul scorned these “works of the flesh,” saying, “Are ye so foolish? Having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect by the flesh?” (Gal.3:3). This indicates that even in Paul’s day there were those who thought that the perfecting of the saints could be done “by the flesh.” But Paul knew the need of the saints and said to the Romans, “I long to see you, that I may impart unto you some spiritual gift, to the end you may be established” (Rom.1:11).

        Mere correspondence was not sufficient to perfect the saints of Rome. The epistles were good, but the “letter of the word killeth.” The Spirit which “giveth life” was never imparted by letter, or epistle. Cornelius was not filled with the Holy Ghost when he read the first or second epistle of Peter. Neither were the twelve brethren at Ephesus baptized in the Spirit at the reading of the epistles of Paul.

        Peter and John, both apostles with mighty writings of the Holy Ghost, were of no help to the converts of Philip until they personally came down to Samaria and “laid hands upon them.”

        The second reason: “the work of the ministry.” Paul went to Jerusalem, and before the saints there he gave an account of the “things God had wrought among the Gentiles by his ministry” (Acts21:19). God, not Paul, did the work that built up the early church. Paul was merely a vessel; God was the worker. When Paul had his way, there was no success. We read: “they assayed to go into Bithynia: but the Spirit suffered them not” (Acts16:7). They, also, were “forbidden of the Holy Ghost to preach the Word in Asia” (Acts16:6). The apostle himself declared: “Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me,” for the Lord had told him: “My strength is made perfect in weakness” (IICor.12:9).

        “For our Gospel came not unto you in word only, but also in power, and in the Holy Ghost, and in much assurance” (IThess.1:5). “And I, brethren, when I came to you, came not with excellency of speech or of wisdom…my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man’s wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power” (ICor.2:1-4). He “that ministereth to you the Spirit, and worketh miracles among you” (Gal.3:5). “For the kingdom of God is not in word, but in power” (ICor.4:20).

        The work that “God had wrought among the gentiles” was not merely a work of signs and of power over the elements and over sick bodies; it was a ministry of teaching through divine utterance: “I thank my God always on your behalf, for the grace of God which is given you by Jesus Christ; That in everything you are enriched by him in all utterance, and in all knowledge…so that you come behind in no gift; waiting for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ; who also shall confirm you unto the end” (ICor.1:4-8).

        Not only does the “work of the ministry” confirm the saints, but wherever divine utterance is manifest before unbelievers it will “reprove the world of sin.” “If I had not come and spoken unto them, they had not had sin: but now they have no cloak for their sin” (John15:22).

        The third reason: “for the edifying of the body of Christ.” To edify is to build up; therefore, the ministry of edification is the ministry of building up. This ministry of edification is not accomplished through teaching, or mere instruction. “Knowledge puffeth up, but charity edifieth” (ICor.8:1).

        The gift of prophecy is for the edification of the church (ICor.14:4). In this same chapter we are told: “seek that ye may excel to the edifying of the church” (verse 12).

        Have we come to the place where the body of Christ no longer needs edifying? Has the new dispensation done away with “the works of the ministry”? Have the saints been made perfect? Since it is written: “God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then the gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues” (ICor.12:28), who are we, then, to substitute some other method for this work?

        Hath not an enemy robbed the bride of Christ of the very means of her perfection? Has not “the woman” again been beguiled by the “serpent” to reject the Word of God and believe a lie?






        Brother Jimmy Windham was scheduled to go up for parole on April 29th of this year, but because of the Corona Virus, all parole hearings were postponed. South Carolina has just recently begun scheduling these hearings, but Brother Jimmy does not know at this time when his hearing will be. Presently, the state is planning on having two hearings each week until they get caught up, and Brother Jimmy thinks his hearing will come up sometime in June. He was planning on writing a short note to place in the “Testimony of Truth” asking for prayer from our readers. However, we have not received his letter and it is time to start the printing process in order to get the magazine mailed by the first of June. So we are asking in his behalf for you to remember Brother Jimmy when you pray. He would like to be free for the remainder of his life, but above that desire is his desire to serve God and be where God wants him to be. His plan, if he is released, is to work in ministry both in prisons as well as outside. His hope is that he can gain opportunities to speak at churches or religious gatherings where he can share his life experiences and help curb others who might be on the path that he took over thirty-five years ago. So we at People of the Living God are praying for him, and we encourage each of you to do the same. May God bless Brother Jimmy and each of our readers as we all strive together to remain diligent and faithful in our pursuit of God.